Living cells (PC)
Life-form: Solitary
Size: Apical axis = 2-7 µm, pervalvar axis 6-32 µm
Resting spore: +
Note: In coastal brackish waters
Distinctive features: One seta per valve, the two setae running in opposite direction
Similar species:
Hasle, G. R. & Syvertsen, E. E. 1996. Marine diatoms. In: Tomas,
C. R. (ed.) Identifying marine diatoms and dinoflagellates. Academic
Press, Inc., San Diego, p. 5-385.
Marino, D., Giuffré, G., Montresor, M. & Zingone, A. 1991. An electron microscope investigation on Chaetoceros minimus(Levander) comb. nov. and new observations on C. throndsenii (Marino et al.) comb. nov. Diat. Res.6: 317-326