Valve in outside view (arrowhead=labiate process) (SEM)
Life-form: Cells united in chains
Size: Diameter = 6-20 µm
Resting spore:
Distinctive features: Radial rays and ring of strutted processes midway valve center and margin
Similar species:
Distribution: Warm water region to temperate (Hasle & Syvertsen 1996)
Fryxell, G. & Hasle, G. R.1977. The genus Thalassiosira:
Some species with a modified ring of central strutted processes.
Beih. zur Nova Hedwigia. 54: 67-89.
Hasle, G. R. 1990. The planktonic marine diatom Thalassiosira mediterranea (synonym Thalassiosira stellaris). Diatom Research. 5: 415-418.
Hasle, G. R. & Syvertsen, E. E. 1996. Marine diatoms. In: Tomas, C. R. (ed.) Identifying marine diatoms and dinoflagellates. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, p. 5-385.