A living cell (BF)
Life-form: Solitary
Size: Length 23-42 µm, width 11-24 µm.
Resting spore:
Note: Associated with sand (Dodge 1982) and in plankton
Distinctive features:
Similar species:
Distribution: Atlantic, Adriatic Sea, Skagerrak, Baltic
Dodge, J. D. 1982. Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles. Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, London. 303 pp.
Hansen, G. & Larsen, J. 1992. Dinoflagellater i danske farvande. In: Thomsen, H. A. (ed.) Plankton i de indre danske farvande. Havforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen, Copenhagen, p. 45-155.
Lohmann. 1908. Untersuchungen zur Feststellungen des vollständigen Gehaltes des Meeres an Plankton. Wissensch. Meeresuntersuchungen, Abt. Kiel, NF. 10: 131-370.