Professor in Geodesy, Scientific Programmer at SMHI's Meteorological research unit.
Phone: +46 11 495 82 12
Field of work
- Implementing and developing data assimilation algorithms
- Developments of new assimilation and initialisation methodologies for land surface and hydrological parameters
- Involving geodetic data for improvements of weather forecast and hydrology
Research interests
- Least-squares estimation, optimisation, regularisation, assimilation, Kalman filtering methods
- Variance component and robust estimation
- Satellite Gravimetry (GRACE/GRACE-FO and future MAGIC) and its applications in Hydrology and Meteorology
- GNSS-Meteorology and reflectometry
- InSAR remote sensing and applications in atmospheric modelling
Special competence
- Founder and editor-in-chief of Journal of Geodetic Science Journal of Geodetic Science
- Author of the book, “Satellite Gravimetry and the Solid Earth, mathematical foundations”, Elsevier 2020.