Vegative chains. (DIC)
Life-form: Cells united in chains
Size: Diameter = 6-40 µm
Resting spore: +
Distinctive features: Chains spirally twisted, basal part of setae indistinct or missing, setae extending outward from the spiral, resting spore
Similar species: Chaetoceros debilis
Distribution: Worldwide
Cupp, E. E. 1943. Marine Plankton Diatoms of the West Coast of North
America. Bulletin of the Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. of the University of
California. 5: 1-237.
Drebes, G. 1974. Marines Phytoplankton, Eine Auswahl der Helgoländer Planktonalgen (Diatomeen, Peridineen). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart. 186 pp.
Hasle, G. R. & Syvertsen, E. E. 1996. Marine diatoms. In: Tomas, C. R. (ed.) Identifying marine diatoms and dinoflagellates. Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, p. 5-385.
Rines, J. E. B. & Hargraves, P. E. 1988. The Chaetoceros Ehrenberg (Bacillariophyceae) flora of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA. Bibliotheca Phycologica 79: 1-196
Sundström, B. 1973. Chaetoceros arter i Öresund. MSc. Thesis Univ. of Lund. 77 pp.