A = Cell in Lugol (DIC); B = Damage cell with chloroplasts. (BF)
Life-form: Solitary flagellate
Size: 10-45 µm (including spines)
Resting spore:
Distinctive features: Skeleton with four protruding spines and with four "windows"
Similar species:
Distribution: Atlantic ocean, Mediterranean, Baltic, the coast of Chile
Gemeinhardt, K.1930. Silicoflagellatae. Schiller, J. Coccolithineae.
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González, H.1985. Taxonomical survey on silicoflagellates in central Chile. Nova Hedwigia. 41: 483-.
Throndsen, J. 1993. The planktonic marine flagellates. In: Marine Phytoplankton: a guide to naked flagellates and coccolithophorids/edited by Carmelo R. Tomas: 7-145.
Valkenburg, S. D. van. & Norris, R. E. 1970. The growth and morphology of the silicoflagellate Dictyocha fibula Ehrenberg in culture. Journal of Phycology. 6: 48-54.