
Scandinavian Waters

SMHI’s services help you with cost-efficient and safe shipping services. For oil-spill situations at sea, SMHI’s web-based tools can trace the source of the discharge.

Services for Scandinavian waters

SMHI continues to provide services for Scandinavian waters and has delivered forecasts and consulting services in the area since the 1970s.

Services include customised forecasts together with customer-specific comments for sea areas from the Gulf of Bothnia to the Skagerrak, including the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gdansk Bay.

Swedish ice service

Daily ice conditions and forecasts Daily information on sea surface temperature and ice conditions as well as forecasts. SMHI can also provide ice statistics and expertise on other ice related inquiries.

Solbelyst hav sett mot horisonten, små moln på himlen.

High resolution oil drift forecasts

Calculate where the oil is heading Seatrack calculates and presents the spread of different substances and objects in water. It is used by industries, societies for water conservation and municipalities for risk analyses in sensitive areas and operative control of oil discharges in lakes and in the sea. Seatrack

Forecasts of oil spills

Prepare clean-up and track the discharge To speed up the clean-up operations after an oil discharge at sea government agencies need to know how the oil is drifting and where it will reach the coast. With Seatrack Web it is easy to make forecasts with hourly resolution. Seatrack Web