Quality Management

Quality issues constitute a high priority and are an integral part of our management system. SMHI has been certified to ISO 9001 standards for its quality management since 2003.

Quality policy

SMHI's quality policy states that: 

“SMHI's products and services shall be characterised by the fact that they competitively fulfil the agreed quality. They shall also constitute a recommendation for new assignments and new business.

SMHI output is geared towards decision guidance. The aim is to work with attractive quality which in SMHI's interpretation involves providing decision support that exceeds customer expectations.

This attractive quality is attained by way of a strong scientific foundation and collaboration with others to increase the ability to satisfy customer needs.

The reactions of customers and the general public shall systematically and proactively contribute to the continuous improvement of products and services.

SMHI's quality management system shall be certified to ISO 9001 standards.” 


SMHI's ISO 9001 certification and the recurrent audits help to maintain a vibrant, active improvement process. In addition to ISO 9001 quality certification, SMHI's Oceanographic Laboratory in Gothenburg is accredited according to the requirement standard SS-EN ISO/IEC 17025. SMHI is also certified by the Swedish Transport Agency for the production of civilian meteorological services according to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011.