Building resilience through effective operational flood forecasting and alerts – One year of co-development in Burkina Faso

Since the beginning of 2024, SMHI has been running a project aiming to support in improving the flood forecast and early warning system for Burkina Faso. The project builds on the multiple prior projects that created the FANFAR system for flood forecasts in West Africa. This year’s work has included model development and implementation as well as capacity building activities, including a learning exchange trip to Sweden and Italy.

The main objectives of the project were to (1) make operational flood forecast and alert information available through the FANFAR system for Burkina Faso, (2) build capacity on how to integrate new datasets, operationalize and operate the FANFAR system, and (3) establish the use of the FANFAR system with national, regional and local institutions.

New operational model for Burkina Faso

“In summary, work has been done around local discharge observations, hydrological modelling, meteorological forcing data, forecast production and visualization. All in all, this resulted in a new hydrological model, Burkina Faso HYPE version 1.0, being operational in the FANFAR system”, says SMHI project manager Tharcisse Ndayizigiye.

Explore FANFAR for Burkina Faso (

FANFAR in Burkina Faso project page (

Learning exchange in Sweden and Italy

As part of the capacity developing activities, a group of specialists from Burkina Faso and Togo participated in a knowledge-sharing mission to Sweden and Italy in October 2024, to learn about operational procedures for flood forecasting and early warning systems at SMHI and CIMA Research Foundation. CIMA is an Italian organization working in similar ways as SMHI in Burkina Faso.

“The trip included seminars and workshops, field visits and meeting with multiple national organizations, as well as social activities.” says Tharcisse.

News article about the learning exchange on WMO’s website – October 2024.

Group photo of about 25 people taken outside.
Group picture at CIMA Research Foundation in Italy.
A group of people standing outside looking at a peson who is speaking next to a hydrological observation station.
Discussing hydrological observation stations at SMHI in Sweden.

Project with many collaborators

The project is funded by WMO and is carried out in collaboration with the regional climate center AGRHYMET as well as multiple national agencies in Burkina Faso; General Directorate of Water Resources, Directorate of Studies and Information on Water, National Emergency Relief Council, General Directorate for Civil Protection & National Meteorological Agency.

With an initial timeline of finalizing in December 2024, an extension of the project into 2025 is currently being discussed.