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New project on the spreading of disease in conjunction with climate change


The climate is changing, and this will have many effects on society. Researchers, including representatives from SMHI, are now studying the consequences for the spreading of different types of diseases. The main areas of focus are the spreading of disease by the tiger mosquito, borrelia carried by …

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SMHI’s Berit Arheimer receives European award for outstanding contributions within hydrological research


The European Geosciences Union has awarded Berit Arheimer, Head of Hydrological Research at SMHI, the 2021 Henry Darcy Medal for her outstanding contributions within hydrological research.

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UN Day focuses on warning systems to limit natural disasters


On 13 October, International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the UN’s World Meteorological Organization issued a report on risk information and early warning systems. Despite the fact that such systems help to save lives and property, many countries still lack them. SMHI is involved in several …

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Winner of the ClimeMarine Art Contest: creative illustration connecting Marine Spatial Planning and Climate Change


We can proudly present the winner of the ClimeMarine art contest: Malva Crona from Malungs folkhögskola, with a cartoon featuring various aspects of Marine Spatial Planning and climate change.

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SMHI presents at the Science is Wonderful! 2020 online exhibition


SMHI's climate modeling research unit Rossby Center participates with two research projects at the online exhibition Science is Wonderful! on 22-24 September during the European Research and Innovation Days.

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Aquaclew for better water services


The Aquaclew project has, during the last three years, advanced data quality in Pan-European climate services for the water sector. Robustness, Resolution and Recruitment describes the performance through the entire Climate Service production chain.

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SMHI and NILU develop system for easier collection of air quality data

Air Quality

The demand in Air quality management systems is rising, and in the same time several countries struggle with management of these data. Commissioned by the The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA or Naturvårdsverket), SMHI has been developing such a system for years. Now, together with the …

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New project studies air pollutants from forest fires

MeteorologyClimateAir QualityResearch

There have been several major forest fires in the large, forested areas of the northern hemisphere in recent years, and these have led to an increase in air pollutants which affect human health. Researchers are now investigating how a changed climate with rising temperatures and more extreme …

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Climate change makes reducing eutrophication even more important


Significant reductions in nutrient discharges from the land will result in reduced eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and a better marine environment by 2100 – regardless of how serious the effects of climate change are. These are the findings of research carried out by Stockholm University’s Baltic …

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Cyanobacteria bloom in the Baltic Sea – learn about the phenomenon


This year’s cyanobacteria bloom in the Baltic Sea has just started. The bloom is visible in satellite images from SMHI’s monitoring system ’Baltic Algae Watch System’. SMHI has also created a short informative film raising the awareness about algae and phytoplankton, and their role in the marine …

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