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Impressions from the WCRP JSC-41 Conference in May 2020


The WCRP Joint Scientific Committee Session is an annual meeting where the leaders of the WCRP research community discuss progress towards the Programme's objectives and make decisions that will determine the future direction of the Programme. The 41st Session of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee …

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Launch of an art contest in marine environment for students on World Oceans Day!


An art contest on the theme climate change impacts on the marine environment is today launched by the ClimeMarine project at SMHI and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Students in Sweden are invited to illustrate this exciting and important issue.

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Towards warning systems for urban flooding


The European project MUFFIN (Multi-Scale Flood Forecasting) aimed to develop innovative systems and solutions for predicting and managing flooding in urban environments. This included comparing and evaluating observation and forecasting systems ranging from local to national scales. The …

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Measuring wind with the Aeolus research satellite

MeteorologyAtmospheric Remote SensingResearch

Understanding the wind in the atmosphere is very important for both weather forecasts and climate models. In August 2018 the satellite Aeolus was therefore launched to test a completely new way of measuring winds over the entire world using a very sophisticated Doppler wind lidar instrument. The …

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Earlier spring peak of ground level ozone positive for vegetation

MeteorologyClimateAir QualityResearch

Changes in levels of ground level ozone have been analysed by researchers in a multi-year research programme. They can now ascertain that there is a trend towards a narrower overlap between the year’s maximal level of ground level ozone and the early growth period, which is positive.

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New research gives an indication of the amount of summer precipitation in Northern Europe


Researchers at SMHI have found a teleconnection between the atmospheric conditions over the subtropical Pacific during spring and summer precipitation in the Northern Europe. This discovery creates the prerequisite for a simple, yet relatively accurate, estimate of summer precipitation several …

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Forecasts of river ice break-up for the Lena River unexpectedly accurate on the first attempt


SMHI’s hydrological model seems to have accurately predicted the ice break-up for the Lena River at Yakutsk in eastern Siberia – on the first attempt. The forecasting is made as part of a new project, where researchers from SMHI, together with partners from Russia, Japan and local …

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North pole soon to be ice free in summer


The Arctic Ocean in summer will very likely be ice free before 2050, at least temporally. The efficacy of climate-protection measures will determine how often and for how long. These are the results of a new research study involving 21 research institutes from around the world, coordinated by Dirk …

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New insights into why new global climate projections show faster warming


Last year, the SMHI Rossby Centre presented its first future climate projections using the new version of the global climate model EC-Earth. The new results showed warming taking place at a faster rate than suggested by previous calculations, but the reasons behind it were not fully understood. A …

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SMHI participates in creating flood forecasting and alert system for West Africa


In February 2020, SMHI led a five-day workshop in Abuja, Nigeria, within the FANFAR project. Together with counterparts from seventeen West African countries, a co-designed flood forecasting and alert system is now being tested operationally.

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