SMHI is involved in many work packages of the project, but the Research and Development Department is mainly involved in creating a more than 20 years long (1989-2012) reanalysis for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.
In a reanalysis, the data from observations and a model are blended in an objective way, using knowledge of expected errors in both model and observations. The result is a three-dimensional data set which evolves in time over many years, without gaps in the data, consistent with both observations and model data.
The MyOcean 2 project started in April 2012 and ends in September 2014. It is a continuation of the also EU-funded project MyOcean, which ran during 2010-2012. More information can be found at
MyOcean 2
Last updated
MyOcean 2 is an EU-funded project involving 61 teams in 29 countries in Europe. The main aim of the project is to deliver and operate a sustainable ocean monitoring and forecasting system to users for all marine applications.