Research news

Deforestation changed the climate in Europe during the Bronze Age


The vegetation in Europe has not always looked like it does today. Just as the ice sheet retreated in northern Europe and the population increased, man began to affect the landscape to a greater extent by deforestation. At first on a small scale to facilitate hunting, for example, and then more …

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Better regional climate information in Africa


In the process of designing a climate program proposal for Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), SMHI has visited Maputo, Niamey and Douala. SMHI participated and held workshops with participants from several different African countries, social sectors and corresponding …

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SMHI's research at EGU 2023


SMHI will participate in the annual research conference European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna. This year SMHI's researchers will participate in various events within our disciplines of meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and climate.

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Air quality researchers use Mars as a laboratory in new project

MeteorologyAtmospheric Remote SensingAir Quality

Dust from sandstorms in desert areas degrades air quality even over long distances and can cause other problems for society as well. At the same time, scientists find it difficult to study and describe these processes with sufficient accuracy, without interference from other aerosols. But now they …

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Take the chance to host a workshop, training, brainstorming, round-table discussion at the next CORDEX conference, 25-29 September 2023


Do you want to discuss with stakeholders, provide a hands-on training on downscaling tools, start developing a plan for a possible future Flagship Pilot Study proposal or perhaps have a panel or round-table discussion/workshop on the most pressing climate change issues in your region? At the next …

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New methodology for calculating air pollution provides national exposure and health data for Sweden

MeteorologyAir Quality

Polluted air affects your health - especially if you are a child, elderly or belong to a risk group. At SMHI, researchers and air quality experts are now developing a new methodology for calculating how much air pollution the population is exposed to, both now and in the future, in cities and in …

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SMHI researchers lead new EU project to develop next generation climate system models

ClimateRossby Centre

New and better knowledge is needed to support sustainable decision-making on ongoing climate change and avoiding tipping points. OptimESM (Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Changes) and its new Earth system models (ESMs) will provide decision-makers with just …

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First national climate symposium in the bag

ClimateRossby Centre

For three days, scientists and stakeholders from all over Sweden talked about ongoing climate research, what is happening to the climate and the role of climate research for society. The symposium attracted media attention and was appreciated by the participants.

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Climate impact on wind power production

ClimateRossby Centre

How does a warmer climate affect the future wind resource and thereby changes the wind power production? This information is important for the wind power industry and for any decisions made with respect to the future electrical energy system.

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Climate models that “see” storms: a step-change towards more usable information on climate and climate extremes

ClimateRossby Centre

Sweden has experienced a range of extreme events that are likely to be stronger and more frequent in a warmer climate. With the new genrerations high-resolution climate models we are closer towards more usable information on climate and climate extremes.

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Research areas