Research Projects

Selection of research projects at the SMHI research department.

Green4Extremes - Green infrastructure for synergetic climate adaptation to extremes events

MeteorologyHydrologyClimateOn-going projects

The Green4Extremes project will conduct an integrated assessment of how green infrastructure can provide synergistic effects that counteract both flooding and heat stress in cities while making cities more pleasant to live in.

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GlobAerBiom – Global biomass-burning aerosols and their aging processes: Insights from the modern era satellites

MeteorologyAir QualityOn-going projects

Biomass burning has major impacts on health, climate and society globally. Using satellite data, researchers will now investigate how aerosols from forest and agricultural fires are dispersed and aged in the atmosphere.

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CERISE – Research project to improve climate reanalysis and seasonal forecast systems

MeteorologyOn-going projects

CERISE aims to enhance the quality of C3S climate reanalyses and seasonal forecast products.

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CARRA2 – A new generation Copernicus pan-Arctic regional climate reanalysis

MeteorologyOn-going projects

In 2021 Copernicus Climate Change Service released the dataset CARRA1, with a 30-year reanalysis of the Arctic climate (1991-2021). The CARRA dataset is now updated monthly, providing new data with three or fewer months latency. The second phase of the project has started, which will extend the …

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OWGRE – Optimized weather-related green energy production and consumption

MeteorologyOn-going projects

As the energy system is becoming more complex and weather dependent, weather forecasts are of essential importance for transforming the energy landscape towards decarbonization. In this project, we combine probabilistic numerical weather prediction with machine learning algorithms in order to …

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Interplanetary assessment of dust-emission processes using active remote sensing on Earth and Mars

MeteorologyAtmospheric Remote SensingAir QualityOn-going projects

The aim of the project is to evaluate and improve numerical models that can describe dust-emissions in both air quality and climate models using observations.

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AeroFrame and AeroSources: Advancing predictions of atmospheric aerosol formation

MeteorologyAir QualityOn-going projects

Research projects focusing on the formation of secondary aerosol particles from gases provide new tools for describing the formation dynamics.

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Indoor transmission of viruses under different ventilation measures

MeteorologyAir QualityOn-going projects

In a research project, SMHI and Gothenburg University cooperates to discover how indoor ventilation affects the transmission of virus causing infectious diseases.

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Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Change

ClimateRossby CentreOn-going projects

New and better knowledge is needed to support sustainable decision-making on ongoing climate change and avoiding tipping points. OptimESM (and its new Earth system models (ESMs) will provide decision-makers with just that.

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Previous projects within meteorological research


SMHI Meteorological research unit is involved in many international and national projects. Below you will find a selection of completed projects from recent years.

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Research areas
Project status