Research Projects

Selection of research projects at the SMHI research department.


MeteorologyAir QualityOn-going projects

BRIGHT: Advancing knowledge and tools for the adaptation of Swedish cities to heat.

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ClimateRossby Centre

COCLIM-19 (Co-benefits of green recovery packages for climate and society in response to the COVID-19 crisis) aims to understand the effect of different recovery pathways after the COVID-19 crisis on the climate, and to provide stakeholders and users with information and data on the …

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Recommendations to include climate change into Marine Spatial Planning


ClimeMarine produced a fact sheet proposing guidelines for marine spatial planners to take into consideration climate change into their work.

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ClimPoll - Management of cumulative effects of climate change and pollution in coastal seas

OceanographyClimateCompleted projects

The ClimPoll project will increase the understanding of cumulative effects of worldwide adverse human pressures, including pollution, ocean acidification and global warming, on the nature and strength of food-web structure and trophic interactions in the ocean. The project is founded by the Swedish …

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ClimateRossby Centre

EDUCAS (Effectively designing and communicating next generation climate simulations over Sweden) will systematically investigate climate change information on local scales over Sweden, which is relevant to a wide range of stakeholders, from interdisciplinary researchers to municipalities.

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FORCeS - Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections

ClimateRossby Centre

FORCeS will improve the description of key processes governing aerosol radiative forcing and feedbacks in climate models.

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ClimeMarine – Climate change predictions for Marine Spatial Planning

OceanographyClimateCompleted projects

The ClimeMarine project promotes ecosystem-based management of the Swedish seas with climate change considerations through close contact with stakeholders and decision-makers. The project is funded by Formas.

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ClimateRossby CentreOn-going projects

IS-ENES 3 (Infrastructure for the European Network of Earth System Modelling – Phase3) is the third phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES).

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Research areas
Project status