SIMSAT – simulators of satellite derived cloud datasets for climate models

Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison Project (CFMIP) Observation Simulator Package (COSP). This is mandatory if the satellite datasets are to take part in experiments for the next IPCC report. To be included in COSP, the research using the simulators must be published in peer reviewed articles. Not only Last updated:

UERRA - Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional ReAnalyses

-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn Role of SMHI Besides coordinating the project, SMHI will work run the HARMONIE Data Assimilation system for the entire European area with surrounding sea areas at as high resolution as is possible (11 km and 65 levels). It will be run over a 50 year period, from 1961, and serve as one member of a Last updated:

Statistical Analysis of Precipitation Data Part II Frequency Analysis of Monthly Precipitation Data


The frequency distributions of monthly precipitation amounts have been investigated. Data from the period 1931-78 for 262 Swedish and 26 Norwegian stations have been used. The statistical analysis consists of determining the capacity of well-known frequency distribution functions to match the …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 17
Author: Eriksson, B.
Published: Sep, 1980
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Operational oceanographic research

Ocean forecasts are done in a similar manner as weather forecasts are done. The variables of greatest interest are significant wave height sea level ice extent (ice concentration, thickness, and ridges) currents sea-surface temperature The first variable, significant wave height, is calculated at Last updated:

Oceanographic research at SMHI

Our field of research in oceanography combines physical processes in the ocean with biogeochemical and other environmental processes. A lot of the research is focused on seas surrounding Sweden - Baltic Sea, Kattegat and Skagerrak - but increasing interest is also paid to the Arctic Ocean and the Last updated:

Ralf Döscher

Research Interests Earth System modelling Climate change scenarios including mitigation scenarios Arctic climate change Coupling and interaction between atmosphere, ocean and sea ice Publications Last updated:

Cooperation is a must for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

the next. Such variations will also occur in the future although a typical cold season will most likely be less cold while a warm season will be even warmer following the long-term background warming. Mild and snow-free conditions in winters will reduce the number of extreme cold events. For summers Last updated:

New analyses show how the climate can change in Swedish counties

presented and also more information on rainfall. SMHI has developed the analyses within the framework of a government remit and in consultation with the county administrative boards. The material includes 21 county reports, a technical report which mainly describes the methodology, and a database.  Last updated:


interactive aerosol-radiation-cloud coupling and improve the sea ice component. SMHI will contribute to WP5, using its considerable expertise in high latitude climate processes to identify the main drivers for European climate variability and change. SMHI will also contribute to the core atmosphere and Last updated: