EURO4M - European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring

into their pre-operational phase, were not designed to provide climate change monitoring information nor to report about high impact weather and climate extremes placed in an historical context. SMHI performed a 22 km dynamical reanalysis with the HIRLAM 3D variational analysis system using Last updated:

Large-scale hydrological modelling ​ ​

-scale hydrological modelling by using modified PUB recommendations the India-HYPE case, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4559-4579, . Arheimer, B., Dahné, J., Donnelly, C., Lindström, G. and Strömqvist, J. (2012). Water and nutrient simulations using the HYPE model for Sweden vs. the Baltic Sea basin – influence of Last updated:


by a uniformly deep sea over a homogenous interior, and the only gravitational force was from the Moon, then high tide would occur at the position closest to the Moon and also on the opposite side of the Earth - since the gravitational force here is less than the centrifugal force. The Moon orbits Last updated:


, ICES CM 2006/E12, ICES Annual Science conference., 2006 Eilola, K., H.E.M. Meier, E. Almroth and A. Höglund, Transports and budgets of oxygen and phosphorus in the Baltic Sea, SMHI Reports Oceanography No.96, 2008. Eilola, K., H.E.M. Meier and E. Almroth, On the dynamics of oxygen, phosphorus and Last updated:

SMHI develop systems for air quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the next three years, SMHI will develop a data hosting system for air quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The system includes, among other things, a central database for air measurements and tools for making data available to the public and reporting data to the EU. SMHI has long experience Last updated:

Hydrological ensemble forecasts / Hydrologiska ensembleprognoser.

Since July 2004, a system for hydrological ensemble forecasting has been operational at SMHI. The system uses meteorological ensemble forecasts of precipitation and temperature from ECMWF as input to the hydrological HBV model, which generates an ensemble of discharge forecasts. In this report, the Last updated:

Coastal Radar - Scandinavian cooperation in the Skagerrak

  Coastal radars can provide detailed information about the direction and speed of water on the sea surface. This information provides important input for work concerning the ocean environment, transports, oil spills and search and rescue actions.     “Data from the system is received once an hour Last updated:

A 140-year simulation of European climate with the new version of the Rossby Centre regional atmospheric climate model (RCA3).

This report presents the latest version of the Rossby Centre regional atmospheric model, RCA3, with focus on model improvements since the earlier version, RCA2. The main changes in RCA3 relate to the treatment of land surface processes. Apart from the changes in land surface parameterizations Last updated: