RCA4-NEMO - a high resolution regional coupled model system

) coupler (Valcke, 2013) integrates the sub-models simultaneously. The coupler works in a sequential fashion with synchronous coupling of the different model components with joint physical interfaces at different time intervals. A full description of this regional coupled model system can be found in Wang Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 1999

and deeper in both the eastern and the western Gotland basins. New incoming dense water was found at BY4 and BY5 in the Bornholm basin. Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 40, 2000

season. Hydrogen sulphide was present in the bottom water in the Bornholm Basin, Hanö Bight and the eastern and western Gotland Basins. Some of these results indicate that the oxygen situation is worse than normally for the season. Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 4-6, 2002

Increased nitrate and silicate concentrations of southern North Sea origin, 20 and 13 μmol/ respectively, were recorded in the Jutland current. In the Kattegatt the spring bloom had just began in patches. The lowest oxygen concentration measured in the bottom water of Skagerrak was 4.91 ml/l at Last updated:

Jafet Andersson

Role in team Senior researcher Coordinator for international development cooperation Project leader Expertise Capacity development Hydrological research on water availability, hydrological forecasting, precipitation and agricultural water management Hydrological modelling and evaluation () High Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 17, 2006

29th. During the whole expedition the winds were weak. The air temperature was between 4–9°C. The weather was frequently foggy, though later in the week there was some sunshine. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were normal throughout the investigated area. They varied between 6.4°C and 7.1°C Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 15, 2012

positions in Swedish waters were occupied instead where possible. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were normal and varied between 5.0 and 5.8°C. Surface salinities were also normal, varying between 25 and 31 [psu]. The thermocline was weakly developed, except in the offshore Skagerrak where the Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 41, 1996

water was unusually good, there were no values below 3 ml/l. In the Baltic phosphate concentrations varied between 0.10 and 0.20 umol/l while silicate varied between 5 and 10 umol/l. Hydrogen sulphide was present in the Bornholm basin from 80 meters, at the Gotland Deep from 200 meters and in the Fårö Last updated:

Kopernikus the new umbrella name for Europes investment in climate, environment and security

requirements for better preparedness for extreme weather events such as floods and storms have also increased with the increase of society's vulnerability. Experiences with major adverse effects have shown to be very costly. In addition to natural events there are man-made risks and a threat in the form of e Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 36-38, 2002

International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegatt. In the Skagerrak 9 stations with complete hydrography and 8 with sampling of oxygen and salinity in bottom water were visited. In the Kattegatt mapping of oxygen conditions in bottom water was performed, 9 stations with complete Last updated: