New analyses show how the climate can change in Swedish counties

presented and also more information on rainfall. SMHI has developed the analyses within the framework of a government remit and in consultation with the county administrative boards. The material includes 21 county reports, a technical report which mainly describes the methodology, and a database.  Last updated:


interactive aerosol-radiation-cloud coupling and improve the sea ice component. SMHI will contribute to WP5, using its considerable expertise in high latitude climate processes to identify the main drivers for European climate variability and change. SMHI will also contribute to the core atmosphere and Last updated:

Waves and current conditions

SMHI carries out accurate measurements and model studies of, for example, design documentation for planned harbour areas and planning documentation for wind turbine installations out at sea, dredging and searching for oil. Each and every wave and current analysis is specific to one particular area Last updated:

Climate indicator – Length of the vegetation period

difficult to see any significant extension of the vegetation period in autumn. The vegetation period began to start earlier than it did before from around 1990. It is interesting to note that the extent of sea ice and the number of days with snow cover decreased at about the same time. The growing season in Last updated:

A sensitivity analysis of steady, free floating ice.

The equation for steady, free floating ice is derived and analysed for a shallow sea. The analysis treats how accurate the free ice drift can be computed when variations in the ingoing parameters are introduced. Besides errors due to  unperfect winds, areas with large currents cause bad accuracy Last updated:

Cooperation is a must for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change

the next. Such variations will also occur in the future although a typical cold season will most likely be less cold while a warm season will be even warmer following the long-term background warming. Mild and snow-free conditions in winters will reduce the number of extreme cold events. For summers Last updated:

Climate indicator – Global radiation

Stockholm has already been homogenized in some parts, and the results are presented in this report. Seasonal variations A more detailed look at the different seasons shows that it is mainly spring and summer that have contributed to the increasing trend in global radiation. For example, the summer of 1998 Last updated:

SMHI develops European operational climate service for the water sector

from data to the basis for a decision in different sectors of society. The service also includes seasonal forecasts for water flows, which are updated once per month. The project is based on a prototype for the climate service which SMHI previously developed in dialogue with European environmental Last updated:


  These phytoplankton form the bottom of the food chain in the sea and changes in the biomass and species distribution affect the entire marine ecosystem.   of the sea has led to increased algal growth which in turn causes for example reduced visibility, an increase in dead zones (low oxygen) and Last updated:

Flood mapping

, lakes and watercourses Calculate with a changing climate The global warming can in due time lead to more precipitation and higher sea levels in Sweden. This can affect the risk of flooding in areas close to the coast or watercourses. We can help you to draw conclusions about the future state based on Last updated: