EUCP: European Climate Prediction system

-scales beyond 10 years”, “Towards a seamless near-term European climate prediction system” and “Documentation, data exchange and integrating science with users”. Project partners The project is coordinated by the UK Met Office and has altogether 16 beneficiaries from 10 European countries. For a list of the Last updated:

Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Thukela River Basin, South Africa - Recommendations for Adaptation.

This report originates from a project entitled Participatory Modelling for Assessment of Local Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Water Resources (PAMO), financed by the Swedish Development Agency and Research Links cooperation (NRF and the Swedish Research Council). The project is based Last updated:

On transport of sulphur over the North Atlantic.

without any success . An improved sampler was then set up on the Norwegian-Swedish weathership Polarfront but the collected samples then regularly contained too much sea salt . Later on improved collectors were put on board the Dutch weathership Cumulus which took samples from stations Alpha , Kilo and Last updated:

Reporting back from Rossby Centre’s 20th Anniversary

Rossby Centre, SMHI's climate modeling unit, celebrates 20 years in 2017. Since 1997 the Rossby Centre has grown from being a newly established center to being a recognized international player. The anniversary was celebrated with a conference for researchers and users of climate research and …

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Assigned Networks

Swedish Academy of Sciences) (Svenskt VattenkraftsCentrum)   International commissions (Earth System Science for the Baltc Sea region) (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) (Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Last updated:

International Project Office for CORDEX

vital in many vulnerable regions of the world. SMHI’s longstanding role in CORDEX SMHI has been a key player in CORDEX since its inception in response to the IPCC 4th Report which highlighted the need for detailed regional climate information. The Rossby Centre at SMHI produced the largest number of Last updated:

Åke Johansson

development – research and practical applications – in seasonal forecasting, especially regarding the predictability of the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) och ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation).  Research interests and special competence Dynamic meteorology and its practical application in short and medium Last updated:


.3 “Weather Forecast, Seasonal Predictions Last updated:

CMIP5 - Ensemble decadal simulations with the EC-EARTH model

, ocean and sea-ice metrics. Main issues like the benefit from initialising decadal simulations versus forcing accuracy (figure 1), assessement of decadal predictability sources for the coupled system and the model ability to represent those will be addressed during this analysis. Concluding remarks The Last updated: