Algal blooms in the Baltic Sea

Cyanobacteria are classified as bacteria, but exhibit qualities similar to algae. They thrive when the nitrogen in the water has been used up by the spring bloom and when there is still phosphorus in the water. The cyanobacteria then have an advantage over other algae since they can fix nitrogen Last updated:

SMHI mapping of jellyfish

jelly was first observed in Swedish waters in 2006. It was probably introduced accidentally after travelling in the ballast water of a ship. An adult grows to 1–10 cm long and large numbers have been recently observed along the west coast during late summer. Since these jellyfish are hermaphroditic and Last updated:

Algae report number 11, 2016

. The integrated chlorophyll a concentrations were above normal for this month. Släggö (Skagerrak coast) 18th of November Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton sample, Pseudo-nitzschia spp.* being the most abundant among them. The dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea was found in quite high cell numbers. The Last updated:

Algae report number 5, 2016

BY38. De integrerade klorofyllvärdena (0-20m) var inom det normala för maj vid samtliga stationer förutom REF M1V1 där den var lägre än normalt. Abstract Diatom species, often blooming during summer, were rather abundant in the Kattegat and Skagerrak samples. These summer species, as well as the Last updated:

Black Carbon in Colombia - Workshop

The workshop “Black Carbon in Colombia” was held 28-30 November 2018 at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia. The workshop gathered 46 participants from Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Sweden. The presentations given are available as PDF s in the list below. Introduction Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 2001


The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were normal for the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l, were found in the Eastern, Western and Northern Gotland Basins at depths exceeding 70 to 80 metres. Hydrogen sulphide was found from 125 metres in the …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Dec, 2001
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 13, 2001

.g. Pseudonitzschia sp. The Kattegat and the Sound Surface water temperatures varied around 2.5 OC, which is normal for the end of March. In the northern Kattegat the thermocline and halocline were both located at a depth of 10 metres while they were lower in the southern part, about 20 metres. In the Sound, two Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 2002

for the season. Thermocline and halocline were found at the same depth. They began at 40 metres in the Arkona Basin and in the remainder of the Baltic proper at approximately 50 to 60 metres. Phosphate and silicate content were somewhat higher than normal at most stations, 0.5 and 10-13 µmol Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 3, 2002

The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were mostly normal for the season in all areas. The two minor inflows through the Sound in the beginning of late October and November, 20 and 40 km3 respectively, have reached the Gotland Deep and the bottom water in the Baltic is Last updated:

Warning service under development for heat waves and air pollution

weather parameters and increased mortality. The analysis includes both temperature and air humidity.” Climate change brings higher temperatures in Sweden There is a long-term risk of higher temperatures in Sweden, linked to a change in climate. Swedes are generally less accustomed, and therefore more Last updated: