Cruise report from R/V Argos week 12, 2002


The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were mostly normal for the season in all areas. The positive effect of the earlier inflows through the Sound was not any longer to be seen in the eastern Gotland Basin. The concentration of hydrogen sulphide was high. Oxygen …

Type: Report
Author: Bodil Thorstensson
Published: Mar, 2002
Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 9, 2002


The hydrographic situation in the bottom waters of the Hanö Bight, the northern part of the Bornholm Basin and the Midsjöbankarna were favourable or sufficient for cod presence. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found at depths exceeding ~70m in the Western Gotland Basin and in the western …

Type: Report
Author: Jan Szaron
Published: May, 2002
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 2002


The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were normal for the season in all areas with the exception of southeastern Skagerrak, where a watermass with elevated nitrate and silicate concentrations were found. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/, were found at depths …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Feb, 2002
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 4-6, 2002


Increased nitrate and silicate concentrations of southern North Sea origin, 20 and 13 μmol/ respectively, were recorded in the Jutland current. In the Kattegatt the spring bloom had just began in patches. The lowest oxygen concentration measured in the bottom water of Skagerrak was 4.91 ml/l at …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Feb, 2002
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 3, 2002


The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were mostly normal for the season in all areas. The two minor inflows through the Sound in the beginning of late October and November, 20 and 40 km3 respectively, have reached the Gotland Deep and the bottom water in the Baltic is …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Jan, 2002
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 2003


Surface phosphate levels in the southeastern Baltic Proper, East Gotland Basin and Northern Baltic Proper were 1–2 standard deviations above the 1990 – 1999 average. This is possibly related to the re-oxygenation of the deep water the previous winter and spring, and the release of phosphate from …

Type: Report
Author: Bodil Thorstensson, Philip Axe
Published: Dec, 2003
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 47-48, 2003


Salinity and oxygen measurements were taken near bottom at 41 stations. Hydrogen sulphide was detected at 10 of these. Western Gotland Basin: Oxygen conditions at the bottom were very bad. Levels below 2 ml/l were found deeper than 55 metres. Hydrogen sulphide was recorded from a depth of 80 meters …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Nov, 2003
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 46, 2003


The sum of the nitrate and nitrite concentrations were lower than normal in almost all areas, while the phosphate and silicate concentration was generally normal for the season. At W Landskrona in the Sound, the oxygen content was below 2 ml/l from 15 metres, down to the bottom at 50 metres. The …

Type: Report
Author: Bodil Thorstensson
Published: Nov, 2003
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 43, 2003


Nutrient concentrations were normal for the season in all areas. In the south of Kattegat and in the Sound, deeper than 20 meters, oxygen concentrations were under 2 ml/l. In the southwest and south of Baltic, all stations except Arkona basin and Hanö bight had low oxygen values, the lowest being …

Type: Report
Author: Lars Andersson
Published: Oct, 2003
Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 39, 2003


In the southern Kattegat and in the Sound, the oxygen concentration below 20 metres was less than 2 ml/l. In the southern and south-western Baltic, oxygen values were low at all stations, except in the Arkona Basin and Hanö Bight. The lowest oxygen value was 0.22 ml/l, observed between BY1 and …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Sep, 2003
Last updated: