
and decision-making processes. Results The project ended in december 2020. Final reports and links to results are available on the .   Last updated:

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In the you find data available with open access (in Swedish). Information in English on Oceanographic observations, Model data (HIROMB BS01), Machine to machine – feeds, and Conditions of use.

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World Climate Conference, 31 August - 4 September

international downscaling regarding next generation regional studies. Markku Rummukainen and Elin Löwendahl will report on the way specific information services relating to the climate are being structured in Sweden. Third world conference This will be the WMO's third World Climate Conference. The previous Last updated:

Air Quality and Climate Change

. 2009. Climate and emission changes contributing to changes in near-surface ozone in Europe over the coming decades - Results from model studies. Ambio, in press. Langner, J., Andersson, C. and Engardt, M. 2009. Atmospheric input of nitrogen to the Baltic Sea basin present situation, variability due to Last updated:

Climate indicator - Extreme precipitation

place, but which would not have been extreme for a place with more precipitation. For the climate indicator extreme precipitation, three different measures are chosen Maximum 24-hour precipitation – average of the year’s or season’s greatest 24-hour precipitation for 60 stations across Sweden. Days with Last updated:

Climate indicator - Temperature

average annual temperature will be 2–6 °C higher than during the period 1961–1990, depending on how much greenhouse gas emissions continue. The temperature is expected to increase during all seasons, but mostly in northern Sweden in winter. Winter is also the season when the variation between individual Last updated:

Climate indicator - Precipitation

based on this time period. How is yearly and seasonal precipitation defined? The yearly precipitation is the total amount of precipitation during all days of the year. The same applies to precipitation during different seasons. Winter (December-February) is given the year that applies to January and Last updated: