Climate indicators

climate analyses. They can also be used to study changes over time and space. The common measures are yearly, seasonal or monthly values for different parameters that describe the climate. It is very important that the indicators used are homogenous (uniform and comparable) over time and preferably also Last updated:

Swedish weather summary for the year 2014

The year started with a rather cold January in northern Sweden though. The lowest temperature in Sweden during 2014 was reported from Karesuando with -42.7° on 20 January. Warm winter February was warmer than normal in the whole country with especially very high minimum temperatures. In most places Last updated:

SMHI in brief

meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and climatology. Applied research within the above fields. Products Last updated:

Core values

SMHI wants everyone To be committed and take responsibility for their work as well as their own personal development. To take responsibility to study and search for information. We shall cooperate through Being open and honest with each other. Showing respect for each other's opinions and Last updated:

Season's Greetings

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Extrem nederbörd i Sverige under 1 till 30 dygn, 1900 - 2011


Denna studie visar att extrem nederbörd generellt sett har ökat från 1900 fram till 1930-och 1940-talet därefter blev det en minskning till 1970-talet för att sedan öka fram till idag. Det är mer extrem nederbörd i dag än på 1930-talet.

Speciellt ser vi en ansamling i Götaland under 2000-talet av …

Type: Report
Report Series: Meteorologi 143
Author: Lennart Wern
Published: Sep, 2014
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Algal situation reports

Reports from SMHIs offshore sampling programme, which describe the algal situation in marine waters surrounding Sweden. Last updated:

Kopernikus the new umbrella name for Europes investment in climate, environment and security

.g. oil spills at sea and air pollution, both large scale and acute in limited areas. GMES became Kopernikus at a meeting in Lille Vice-President Günter Verheugen, Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, said " Today we honour a great European - Nikolaus Kopernikus- by dedicating his name to our Last updated:

Cruise reports from the marine monitoring

Reports from SMHI's regular marine monitoring programme. Data presented in the reports have been subject to preliminary quality control procedures only. Last updated: