Professional services

Customer benefits include safer decisions for your business, financial efficiency and sustainability. In addition to industry-specific forecasting services, a significant part of the assignments deal with climate and environmental issues related to air and water. SMHI offers tailored forecasting Last updated:

Climate indicator – Length of the vegetation period

vegetation period, on the other hand, can mean poorer harvests with increased costs for and dependencies on food imports.  How has the indicator been calculated? A total of 55 stations have been used. 13 of these stations are located in northern Norrland, 9 in southern Norrland, 10 in Svealand and 23 in Last updated:

Flows and tides

heading for a warmer climate with more precipitation, and studies have shown that these tendencies can be seen already. Traditional calculations for constructing in water are based on statistical analyses of long hydrological series. They do not take into consideration that the temperature and Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 37, 2010

Nutrient levels in surface water were normal throughout the investigated area except in the Bornholm Basin where silicate was slightly lower. In the Baltic Proper oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were observed at depths exceeding 40 to 80 meters and at the bottom in the eastern part of Arkona Last updated:

MERGE - Modelling the regional and global Earth system

MERGE (Modelling the regional and global Earth system) is a collaboration between Lund University, University of Gothenburg, Rossby Centre/SMHI, Linnaeus University, Chalmers University of Technology and Royal Institute of Technology. In 2017, MERGE involved more than 120 researchers, including Last updated:


The Rossby Centre is involved in national and international networks within climate science, modelling and research. Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV002 Triton week 7, 2013

the Baltic Proper. Due to permits not granted, to enter Latvian, Estonian and Finish waters, some stations were moved to the west into Swedish EEZ or not sampled at all. Winds during the main part of the expedition were weak except for the last day when they were moderate. Baltic Proper Surface water Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2016

, the highest cell number was found at BY15. The integrated chlorophyll a concentrations (0-10 meters) were above normal for this month in the southern Baltic and at the stations BY10 and BY15. Dnr S/Gbg-2016-119 2More detailed information on species composition and abundance. The Skagerrak Å17 (open Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 2002

the northwest. Thermocline and halocline were located at the same depth and were found at 50 to 60 meters, except in the Arkona Basin, where the water was isothermal and the halocline located at 30 metres. All nutrients showed for the season normal values, phosphate 0.4 – 0.5 µmol/l, nitrate 3-5 µmol Last updated:

Model data (HIROMB BS01)

analysis data (nowcasts), updated every 6 hours and available up until the last complete day. A nowcast is the same as the timestep 0 in a forecast. The grid size is 1 nautical mile (about 2*2 km) and the files are in GRIB format. Parameters Available parameters include Sea level Currents Salinity Last updated: