Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 2000

Temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were normal for the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were generally found at depths exceeding 60 to 70 metres in the whole Baltic Proper. Hydrogen sulphide was found in the deep water in the eastern Gotland Basin Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 23, 2003

Nutrient concentrations in all areas were normal or slightly lower than normal for the season in all areas. The deep water of the Bornholm Basin, the Hanö Bight, southeast of Baltic Proper and east of Gotland was well oxygenated. Hydrogen sulphide was present in the northeast and west Gotland Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 45, 2010

from 0.15 in the south to 0.76 µmol/l in the north, silicate levels ranged from 3.2 to 10.4µmol/l. Oxygen levels in deep waters of the Arkona Basin and Hanö Bight were good, about 5-6 ml/l and 2.6 ml/l. Though a small inflow was detected during the previous cruise oxygen levels were back to almost Last updated:

Åke Johansson

development – research and practical applications – in seasonal forecasting, especially regarding the predictability of the NAO (North Atlantic Oscillation) och ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation).  Research interests and special competence Dynamic meteorology and its practical application in short and medium Last updated:

Jelena Bojarova

Ph.D Phone 46 11 495 80 26 E-mail Field of work Development of meso-scale data assimilation system within the joint ALADIN-HIRLAM code environment under HARMONIE model configuration specially targeted to describe convective scale phenomena.  Development of efficient high Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 26, 1996

In the eastern Skagerrak there were a bloom of a flagellate, Emiliania Huxlley, which gave the surface water a turkos colour and caused low visibility with secchii depths <3m. The surface temperatures varied between 14-15 deg in the Skagerrak-Kattegatt and between 11-13 in the Baltic Proper. The Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 4, 1997

The surface water temperatures were In the Skagerrak 3.5°C - 5.3°C, the Kattegat -0.5°C - 2.7°C and in the Baltic 1.2°C - 3.4°C. The nutrient concentrations in the surface layer in the Kattegat showed lower and chlorophyll much higher values than expected for the season. This means that the Last updated:

SMHI given early flood warning dissemination assignment for Europe

has been working with hydrological issues on an international level for many years. The hydrological projection models HBV and Hype have been developed within SMHI and are used in around 40 countries worldwide. SMHI has been directly involved in hydrological projects in developing countries and in Last updated:

NFIX – Estimating Nitrogen FIXation in past and future climates of the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication is a severe threat to the Baltic Sea ecosystem. During recent decades, eutrophication-associated problems - such as deep water oxygen deficiency, the spreading of dead bottom zones, increased frequency and intensity of cyanobacterial blooms - have been observed. The ability to bind Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 8, 1998

The weather was mostly cloudy and hazy. Moderate to strong winds from the west dominated. The surface water temperatures were normal for the season in the whole area i.e. about 5°C in the Skagerrak, 3°C in the Kattegat and between 2 and 4°C in the Baltic. The spring bloom in the Kattegat continued Last updated: