
has been explored (Wang et al. 2016) changes in climate variability and extremes  at the 3 warming levels have been examined (Wyser et al. 2017, Wang et al. 2017), Effects of increased resolution in Earth system models in general and more specifically on Southern Ocean variability has been tested Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 39, 2004

BY15 (Gotland deep) below 230 metres, in the western Gotland Basin at depths exceeding 70 to 80 metres, and in the Bornholm Basin near the bottom at the stations BY4 and BY5 (~90 metres). A fresh inflow of saline water was observed at BY1. A thin layer near the bottom had relatively high salinity and Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 17, 2013

Phosphate concentrations in the Baltic Proper remain much higher than normal for the season. Silicate measurements also showed high levels, while nitrate levels were normal. Nutrient concentrations in the Skagerrak, Kattegat and Sound were normal. In the Baltic Proper oxygen concentrations below 2 Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 12, 2012

over normal in the southwest parts. Silicate was also elevated in these areas. The inflow that occurred in November/December 2011 had reached the southeast parts of the Baltic Proper and had started to enter the eastern Gotland Basin. Hydrogen sulphide was found in the western and eastern Gotland basin Last updated:

Projects within meteorological research

SMHI meteorological research unit is involved in many international and national projects and collaborations. Here you can find a selection of our on-going projects.  Last updated:

Oxygen Survey in the Baltic Sea 2012 - Extent of Anoxia and Hypoxia, 1960 -2012

preliminary and based on oxygen data collected during the annual Baltic International Acoustic Survey (BIAS) with contributions from Sweden, Poland, Estonia and Finland. Data from SMHI own cruises during the autumn have also been included. For the autumn period, August to October, each profile in the data set Last updated:


InterDec is an international initiative aiming at understanding the origin of decadal-scale climate variability in different regions of the world and the linkages between them by using observational data sets and through coordinated multi-model experiments. The understanding and skilful prediction Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 13, 2003

On the West Coast as well as in the Arkona Basin, all nutrients were almost depleted. A strong bloom was ongoing in the Hanö Bight and in the Bornholm Basin. In the remaining parts of the Baltic Proper winter conditions prevailed. The deep water in the Arkona and Bornholm Basins as well as in the Last updated:


Akademi University University of Helsinki University of Iceland University of Faroe Islands Greenland Institute of Natural Resources Funding NorMER is primarily supported with funding from Nordforsk, on behalf of the Top-level Research Initiative (TRI), and from each of the main partners. The Centre is Last updated:

Research areas – Meteorology

Within the SMHI meteorological research there are six strategically important research areas. Within these areas, we have increased the focus that drives research and development forward and increases the social benefit of the results. Last updated: