Oxygen in the sea

The only oxygen supply in deep water is either the addition of new water or vertical mixing. In areas with poor water turnover the oxygen in the deep water can become completely used up. When dissolved oxygen levels sink to 2 ml/l many species leave the area, and if levels continue to drop then Last updated:

Algal blooms

. Nutrients such as phosphorus can be available as a result of human over-fertilisation but can also come from deep water which is naturally rich in nutrients and which can have moved up to the layer where the algae develop. Some types of algal blooms seem to have increased in recent years, but there is no Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 15-16, 2024

water were low but within the normal range, with inorganic nitrogen being almost depleted in the surface layer. Below the halocline, nutrient levels increased, most notably at Fladen just below the halocline, between 15 and 30 metres, where DIN (Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen) and silicate were Last updated:

Hydrology Research

We provide new information, forecasts and knowledge of water resources in Sweden and world-wide, covering different spatial and temporal scales and a broad range of users. The information is used in decision support for a safe and sustainable society, water management, environmental protection, and Last updated:

Sea surface temperature

layer varies with the seasons. In the winter the temperature can vary from just under zero up to about 4 degrees. In the spring the surface water warms up and becomes less dense. This warmer, lighter water does not mix with the colder underlying water, leading to thermal stratification of the water Last updated:

Algae report number 7, 2024

of filaments were noted in surface samples compared to integrated samples (0-10 m), indicating that the filaments were mainly concentrated near the surface. The absence of surface accumulations in the northern and western Baltic Proper was due to wind strength, but if the wind decreases, there is Last updated:

Climate indicators - the climate evolvement in Sweden

SMHI has monitored weather and water for more than 100 years. This has poised a gold mine of observations which clearly show that the climate is changing. With climate indicators you can follow how for example how mean temperature, sea levels and days with snow varies over time and if there is Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 19, 2024

concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the surface water was variable in the area. At Fladen, nutrient levels had increased slightly since April and were above normal for the month. At N14 Falkenberg and Anholt E, DIN and phosphate remained at low levels, while the silicate content had increased Last updated:

SMHI partners with Ethiopia to strengthen climate and hydrological services

The newly started project will focus on improving hydrological and climate information as well as IT infrastructure and will be carried out in conjunction with three implementing partners having an existing cooperation agreement with SMHI. These are the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity Last updated: