Bilateral collaboration in Russia

and run sustainable urban projects in the future. This initiative provides a good platform for work with sustainable cities, both in Russia and in other partner countries, including methodology and reference data for comparisons of both policies and performance between different urban areas. Last updated:

Bilateral collaboration in China

Climate pollutants Through this bilateral collaboration, the Swedish authorities have been proactive to create international-Chinese collaboration on short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP). Together with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Stockholm Environment Institute, SMHI organised a Last updated:

VAT identification number and bank account

Here you find important information about SMHI's VAT identification number and bank account. Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 23, 1997

surface temperature was 8-10 oC in the south, east and north, slightly higher in the west. All nutrients showed for the season normal concentrations. The oxygen conditions in the bottom water are displayed in a figure. In the Bornholm Basin at BY4 and BY5 bottom oxygen concentration was about 1 ml/l, a Last updated:

Fog phenomena

surrounded by vertical, knife-sharp walls of thick fog. They had a height of perhaps 200-600 m. The width of the glade was 150-200 m and its length 600-1000 m”. Plausible explanations Fog is often formed during spring and early summer in coastal waters. The air over the land warms up and as it moves out Last updated:


The network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change.ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international experiments used in assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This activity Last updated:


organize a special session at EGU 2019 for presentation of ARCPATH results to the wider international scientific community. Role of SMHI SMHI is involved in WP1 – Open Science Pilot for ARCPATH NCoE. Project partners E-ARCPATH includes four partners the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre Last updated:


suppliers of climate informations. The overall concept behind CLIMATEUROPE is to create and manage a framework to coordinate, integrate and support Europe’s research and innovation activities in the fields of Earth-System modeling and climate services. The purpose of this concept is to create greater social Last updated:

Hydrographic Conditions Around Offshore Banks

This report details the results of an investigation into hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions over ten offshore banks around the coast of south Sweden. Four of these banks are situated in the Kattegat. The remainder lie in the southern and western Baltic Proper. The investigation included Last updated:

Monitoring algae from satellite

satellite images The algae maps on SMHI’s website are mainly based on data from two satellites - ENVISAT and EOS-AQUA, which have two comparable sensors, MERIS and MODIS. The passage of the satellites over Swedish waters varies in space and time so that there is not always complete coverage of the Baltic Last updated: