Helén Andersson

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Algae report number 3, 2011


The genus Dinobryon dominated in the Skagerrak area, the dominance was especially pronounced at the outer station Å17. Low chlorophyll a values clearly indicated that the spring bloom had now ended. Low chlorophyll a concentrations were also recorded in the Kattegat area. Few species were recorded …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Apr, 2011
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Cruise report from R/V Franklin week 14, 2011


Surface water temperatures were normal in the Skagerrak and Kattegat but somewhat below normal in the Baltic. Spring bloom was over in the central parts of Skagerrak, in Kattegat and in the Arkona Basin and surface nutrient concentrations were low. In the reminder of the Baltic bloom was in its …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Apr, 2011
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SMHI Annual report 2010

Annual reports

Type: Report
Author: SMHI
Published: Feb, 2011
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Algae report number 2, 2011


The phytoplankton flora was poor in the Skagerrak area and small flagellated species dominated the samples. The integrated (0-20m) chlorophyll concentrations were low but within normal for this month. Traces from the spring bloom were obvious in the Kattegat area and the species Pseudochattonella …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Mar, 2011
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Baltic Sea countries will agree on joint climate adaptation


A joint strategy will be presented within three years on how the countries around the Baltic will adapt to climate changes affecting the sea and its coastal zones. SMHI is one of the players that will help drive this ambition to completion.

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Cruise report from R/V Franklin week 10, 2011


Surface water temperatures were below normal in the whole area. Surface nutrient concentrations were normal at most stations but above normal silicate and nitrate concentrations were recorded in the central parts of Skagerrak and in the Arkona Basin. The bottom water of the Arkona Basin was well …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Mar, 2011
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February expedition cancelled


The Board of Fisheries' has found asbestos aboard their research vessel Argos, which SMHI also use for regular offshore monitoring. SMHI have therefore had to cancel the February expedition.

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Montel-SMHI weather service shown at E-world 2011


E-world energy & water at Messe Essen is the leading trade fair in Europe in the energy and water industries. For the seventh year in a row SMHI is represented together with our partner Montel – this year with the SMHI weather products fully integrated into the Montel Online service.

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Algae report number 1, 2011


The plankton community was dominated by diatoms in both Skagerrak and Kattegat and Skeletonema marinoi dominated at all stations. Different cryptomonads such as Teleaulax were also common. The chl a measurements were overall low and no tendency of a forthcoming spring bloom could be seen. A bit …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Feb, 2011
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