Dispersion modelling

With our expertise in air quality management and dispersion modelling, we can give you access to the tools and data you need for your air quality assessment work and the training to use them. We also offer consultancy services performed by our experts. Advantages of dispersion modelling We have a Last updated:

GAC SMHI Weather Solutions contributes to safer and more efficient shipping

other stakeholders to know where ships are, and what their planned route is,” explains Lennart Cederberg, Segment Manager for shipping at SMHI. The key concept of STM is sharing the information about what is going to happen in the coming minutes, hours, days and weeks with other players. With a Last updated:

Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate...

The Rossby Centre is involved in a number of national and international projects within climate modelling, climate change research and the application of climate change information in support of downstream research and decision making. Last updated:

Research areas

The research activities at the Rossby Centre focus on increasing knowledge of the future climate, covering meteorological, oceanographical and hydrological aspects. Work is conducted both on model development and evaluation of data, as well as modelling applications for process studies and climate Last updated:

VINDRAD+ Gap-filling radars as a method for reducing the conflict between weather radars and wind turbines

installing a gap-filling radar. VINDRAD will develop methods to evaluate the quality of data from a gap-filling radar and implement them in a calculation tool. The calculation tool will be able to handle wind turbine applications from everywhere in Sweden and will serve as a basis for decision by the Last updated:

Lars Arneborg

inter- and trans-disciplinary collaboration. My main competence is in physical oceanography with a deep understanding of small-scale physical processes both from an observational perspective and on how to include these in numerical models. Last updated:

Christian Asker

Ph.D., Air Quality researcher Research Leader . Phone 46 11 495 86 45 E-mail firstname.lastname@smhi.se Skype christianasker Fields of work Local and urban scale air quality. Emergency preparedness systems related to incidents in the atmosphere. Application of open data, open source tools Last updated:

Algae report number 1, 2010

found with cell numbers above its critical limit, although there has been no reports of AST (Amnesic Shellfish Toxin) in Swedish waters, which is a toxin potentially produced by this group of algae. In the Baltic Sea the number of species and the cell numbers were low causing low chlorophyll a values Last updated: