Algae report number 8, 2010


The phytoplankton situation in the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas was relatively stable compared to the sampling three weeks earlier. However, there were no chlorophyll fluorescence peaks to speak of. Only at W Landskrona on the edge of the Sound an extra phytoplankton sampling was made at 15 meters …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Jul, 2010
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Algae report number 10, 2010


The integrated (0-20 meters) chlorophyll a concentrations were normal for the season at most of the Skagerrak and Kattegat sampling sites. The only exception was Släggö with lower concentrations than normal and Anholt E with higher concentration than normal. The plankton community was relatively …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Sep, 2010
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Algae report number 11, 2010


The phytoplankton species diversity was rather high in the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas although the number of cells was higher in the latter. Diatoms dominated the samples and chlorophyll a concentrations were at average at all stations but somewhat enhanced, within the limits, at Å13 in the …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skejvik
Published: Oct, 2010
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 40, 2010


Surface water temperatures and nutrient levels were normal in the whole area. Oxygen levels in the bottom water of the Arkona Basin were good. At BY4 (Christiansö) in the Bornholm Basin new water, with an oxygen content of nearly 4 ml/l, had penetrated in close to the bottom. In the intermediate …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Oct, 2010
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Inflows to the Baltic


It is generally well-known that inflows of so called healthy water into the Baltic have a good effect on the ecosystem and living organisms. This is also the oceanographic process that generates the most interest.

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Ocean absorption of carbon dioxide


So far the oceans have absorbed almost half of human carbon dioxide emissions. If the oceans’ absorption had not increased over the last 100 years then today’s atmospheric levels would be about 460 ppm instead of the measured 410 ppm. But now the absorption capacity seems to be decreasing.

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The Gulf Stream and the rubbish in the Sargasso Sea


The world’s oceans are important for storage of moisture and heat. It is therefore of great significance that this heat is also transported by currents in the large oceans, mainly the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio Stream.

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The research vessel R/V Argos


The Research vessel R/V Argos is owned by the Swedish Board of Fisheries and is Sweden’s largest and only ocean-going research vessel. Argos plays a central role in oceanographic research and scientific fish-related investigations.

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