
Hydrographic Office (Statens Meteorologisk-Hydrografiska Anstalt, SMHA). 1924 The first weather report was read out on Stockholm broadcast radio (19 February) 1945 On 1 July, SMHA is transmogrified into the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). 1975 SMHI's headquarters move to Norrköping Last updated:

Education for Chinese hydrologists

Bureau of Hydrology is a large organisation with offices is the different provinces of China. Ma Zhan, who is international coordinator, says - We want to exchange experience and improve our methods. It is interesting to see the cooperation in meteorology and hydrology in Sweden, and how SMHI apply Last updated:

HYPE Data Delivery Services

What we offer Standardized deliveries of modelled discharge or other hydrologic variables from our current HYPE model versions in Excel format or -format. Development of new operational model applications with deliveries in any format. Bring your own data to use/merge with the HYPE model. Model Last updated:

BONUS BalticAPP: well-being from the Baltic Sea – applications combining natural science and economics

These long-term scenarios (80-100 years) are built on recent developments on applying socio-economic scenarios in climate change research. Alternative Representative Concentration Pathways (e.g. RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) and Shared Social Economic Pathways (e.g. SSP2 and SSP5) for the Baltic Sea region Last updated:

Arctic Climate Predictions: Pathways to Resilient, Sustainable Societies ARCPATH

-resolution regional models; To increase understanding and reduce uncertainties regarding how changes in climate interact with multiple societal factors including the development of local and regional adaptation measures; and To supply this knowledge as potential “pathways to action” to the specific Arctic regions Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2010

as the filaments were looking quite pale. Comparison between surface and integrated samples indicated that the filaments were found in the whole water column between 0-10 meters. Blå Jungfrun Northern Kalmar Sound 20/8 Quite many filaments of N. spumigena and Aphanizomenon sp. were also recorded at Last updated:

Publications – Oceanographic research

Automatically updated list of latest publications and reports from the SMHI Oceanographic research group. . Last updated:

Environmental policy

operations to reduced environmental load. Based on a comprehensive environmental audit, we have established an environmental policy for SMHI. In order to constantly improve the environmental management system, our work is regularly audited, both internally and through external certification organisations Last updated:

Primavera – Higher resolution in global climate models

going to analyse how such a high resolution in climate models can improve the representation of processes that affect the climate, and more specifically on their impact for the climate in Europe. The research team will work with the North Atlantic oscillation, the relationship between the Arctic ice Last updated: