Jenny Hieronymus

PhD Phone 46 11 495 81 64 Email Research Gate ID Fields of work I'm working on marine biogeochemistry and model development. Research Interests Marine biogeochemistry Model development and validation Climate Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2010

showed that cyanobacteria were present in large amounts both at the surface and further down in the water. Nodularia spumigena dominated. Chlorophyll fluorescence peaks, which were associated with the thermocline, were mainly caused by the dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica and the chlorophyte Last updated:


The oceanographic research group is involved in developing NEMO-Nordic. Last updated:

About the Rossby Centre

Rossby Centre is involved in national and international projects on climate modelling and research, and on the application of climate information for decision-making for adaptation as well as for measures that limit climate effects (climate mitigation). The research at Rossby Centre aims at Last updated:

Operational oceanographic research

Ocean forecasts are done in a similar manner as weather forecasts are done. The variables of greatest interest are significant wave height sea level ice extent (ice concentration, thickness, and ridges) currents sea-surface temperature The first variable, significant wave height, is calculated at Last updated:

Smart Sea – Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth

the Gulf of Bothnia. The project aims to identify these risks and find solutions for the sustainable use of the sea. The SmartSea project involves an assessment of the ways in which the Gulf of Bothnia will change in the next decades. In addition to assessing the impacts of the climate change, the Last updated:

Summer blooms in the Baltic Sea

havsvåg smal puffbild 523
month the bloom had increased in size, but not formed any surface accumulations. They were visible on the satellite image the day after, the 1 of August. The bloom had its greatest extent around mid-August when a large surface bloom was floating in the centre of the Bothnian Sea. The bloom then declined Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 9, 2002

The hydrographic situation in the bottom waters of the Hanö Bight, the northern part of the Bornholm Basin and the Midsjöbankarna were favourable or sufficient for cod presence. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found at depths exceeding ~70m in the Western Gotland Basin and in the western Last updated:

The climate - data, analyses and research

the centre is to act as a hub for knowledge on climate change and to represent a meeting place for actors involved in climate change adaptation. National focal point for IPCC SMHI is the focal point in Sweden for the UN’s climate panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). As the Last updated: