A mild algal bloom in 2010

havsvåg smal puffbild 523
southern Baltic Proper, including in the Hanö Bight and the southern coast of Skåne. The toxic species Nodularia spumigena dominated.   Improving the SMHI algae monitoring Two improvements to SMHI’s algal monitoring were introduced in summer 2010. The first was an improvement to the satellite image Last updated:

Assigned Networks

Coordinating EU projects EU-project coordinated at SMHI Hydrology Research. Click on the logos to find out more about them! National commissions (National committee for Unescos International Hydrological Programme) (Svenska Hydrologiska Rådet) (Swedish National Committee for Geophysics at the Royal Last updated:

Petter Lind

characteristics of precipitation on local and regional scales? How is precipitation and associated processes affected by changes in the dynamics and thermodynamics of the atmosphere? Special competences Analysis of climate model output, comparison between models and observations, statistical analysis Last updated:


SMHI procurements are carried out in accordance to the Public Procurement Act. SMHI uses the system TendSign to advertise and administrate procurements. Information and documentation on current procurements may be downloaded by clicking on the headings below. Last updated:

Swedish weather summary for the year 2014

of coastal stations reported the warmest April on record. An unusually cold start and a very warm end resulted in a rather normal mean monthly temperature in May. June was the only month with temperatures below normal in most parts of the country. Locally in the northern mountains there were some Last updated:

Core values

differences. Having the belief that everyone tries to do their best. Participating and taking responsibility in the development of operations. SMHI values Driving force we are committed, show drive and take the initiative. Flexibility we can and are willing to adapt to changing conditions. Communicative Last updated:

Search SMHI's open data

In the you find data available with open access (in Swedish). Information in English on Oceanographic observations, Model data (HIROMB BS01), Machine to machine – feeds, and Conditions of use. For Internet Explorer, please use version 8 or later. For developers wanting to use SMHI´s open data Last updated:

Polar Ice

In the Arctic the retreat of the sea ice during the last two decades is facilitating an astonishing increase in natural resource development accompanied by increased shipping activity. The Antarctic is also seeing increased ship traffic driven by fisheries, cruise ships and scientific research. The Last updated:

Climate Scenario Data from the Rossby Centre

international agreements developed within the project. This federated archive holds data from many other international activities (eg. CMIP5) which can be accessed through the same interface. Older scenarios For information on scenario data and simulations completed prior to and including 2009 please follow the Last updated:

European Meteorological Institutes gather in Norrköping

The Eumetnet is a collaboration between the national weather institutes in order to become more effective, including sharing costs and manage common issues within Europe. The cooperation is related to both observations, forecasting and climate services. It is approximately 45 representatives of Last updated: