Ice accretion

equipment failure. The captain of a ship trafficking the Baltic during winter must always be prepared for ice accretion during rough weather. If the weather is such that there is a risk of ice accretion, then smaller ships should slow down, and turn to travel downwind, or travel close to land to seek Last updated:

Optimised regulation of reservoirs

With the right tools you have the possibility to keep water at optimal levels even during heavy rainfall or inflow. SMHI Power and Water is a user-friendly web tool with all relevant weather information in one place allowing you to be proactive and make the right decision. Last updated:

CF Community Workshop 2024

barriers to using it in their own work, those who work with other environmental data standards and have an interest in developing greater interoperability with CF. Part II The workshop will be arranged as a series of hackathon sessions to work on specific aspects of CF development. The precise topics of Last updated:

SMHI recruits Professor of Oceanography

model development conducted at SMHI's oceanographic research unit today,” says Helén Andersson. These include understanding large-scale ocean processes, climate change and other human-induced impacts on the ocean. But also, operational oceanography where observations are used to improve forecasts of Last updated:

Algae report number 4, 2024

, Peridiniella catenata and various Gymnodiniales are usually present in high numbers during the spring bloom, but at this station they were in moderate amounts. The filamentous cyanobacterium, Aphanizomenon spp. was not present at BY39. The integrated (0-20 m and 0-10 m) chlorophyll concentrations were low but Last updated:

Inderpreet Kaur

PhD, Scientific Programmer in Meteorological Remote Sensing Phone 46 31 310 88 96 E-mail Fields of work Development and validation of cloud products from Polar orbiting meteorological satellites. Research Interests Utilizing machine learning for retrieval of atmospheric Last updated:

Green4Extremes - Green infrastructure for synergetic climate adaptation to extremes events

effective measures to lower the temperatures during heat waves and thus increase population’s thermal comfort, diminishing the number of deaths and hospitalizations during such extreme weather events. GI can also effectively minimize the impacts of heavy rainfalls by increasing the water infiltration in the Last updated:

Climate Science Information for Climate Action

and explore interactive maps and graphs. Site-Specific Report - here the user can get an instant climate change overview for any location world-wide. The water and climate indicators available in the tools were calculated by SMHI from IPCC data, using ensembles from global (CMIP) and regional (CORDEX Last updated:

Real-time monitoring commences in the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat

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countries are now monitored more intensely in near real time. The countries also share data among themselves in the joint oceanographic system BOOS", says Henrik Lindh at SMHI. The measurement system is financed by the three parties and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. For further information Last updated: