Gustav Strandberg


Research leader, Advancing climate analysis for climate services

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Baltic Sea Ice Code

Baltic Sea Ice Code is a four digit code used to describe ice conditions in ports, fairways, coastal areas and certain ship routes.

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Sea level indicates our changing climate


Sea level is a tangible indicator of how the climate is changing. SMHI has measured sea level around Sweden's coast since 1886. A new report shows an increase in the rate at which sea level has risen during this period, with the most rapid increase occurring over the last 30 years.

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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 49-50, 2009


Surface nutrient concentrations above the halocline in the Kattegat were low, due to an ongoing bloom. Enhanced surface phosphate concentrations were recorded in most parts of the Baltic Proper. An inflow through the Sound, calculated to 35 km3, occurred from November 15th to December 1st, giving …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Dec, 2009
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Education for Chinese hydrologists


Chinese hydrologists from Bureau of Hydrology in China are visiting SMHI for a tailor made education. The participants want to learn how Sweden work with hydrological issues, and how we apply new research in our operations.

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Swedish ice service


- daily ice conditions and forecasts 
Daily information on sea surface temperature and ice conditions as well as forecasts. SMHI can also provide ice statistics and expertise on other ice related inquiries.

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The SCOBI model (Swedish Coastal and Ocean BIogeochemical model) developed by SMHI is used to study the influence of climate changes and human activities on biological and chemical processes and the cycling of nutrients in the seas surrounding Sweden. The aim is to develop a model system tool to …

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Sweden weather

Forecasts from SMHI.

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