Elin Almroth Rosell

PhD Phone 46 (0)31 751 8969 Email firstname.lastname@smhi.se   Fields of work I am research leader of the Marine Environment Group within the Oceanographic Research Unit at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). I has a Ph.D. in marine chemistry, and has large experience in Last updated:

SMHI Uppsala

Address, phone number and e-mail

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Peter Berg

Role in team Head of Unit for Hydrological Research at SMHI (some 45 pers.)  Member in Management team of the Research Last updated:

Calculations of horizontal exchange coefficients using Eulerian time series current meter data from the Baltic Sea.

small scales, in which diffusion times are short and the particles retain their initia~ turbulent velocities. For calculating the Lagrangian integral time scale, a practical technique sug- gested by Hay and Pasquill (1959) forms the basis. The essen- tial difference between Eulerian (fixed point) and Last updated:

Algae report number 8, 2012

A new agreement with the Swedish Coastguard caused a shorter cruise, consequently only the Swedish west coast and parts of the southern Baltic Proper (Arkona and Bornholm Basins) were visited. The number of species was quite high in the coastal Skagerrak waters (Släggö), but the cell numbers were Last updated:

Algae report number 4, 2013

. The number of dinoflagellate species were almost the same as the number of diatom species, and many of them heterotrophic. Several heterotrophic small flagellates and ciliates were observed. In the Baltic, the diatom spring bloom was found mainly in the southern parts and in the Kalmar sound. Diatoms Last updated:

Algae report number 2, 2013

The cell concentrations were low at all stations in the Baltic Sea and at the Swedish west coast except at Å17 in the Skagerrak. The species diversity was relatively high at the Swedish west coast and low in the Baltic Sea. The integrated (0-20 m) chlorophyll a concentrations were within normal at Last updated:

February expedition cancelled

monitoring. While this has not been possible during February, we continue to investigate the possibility of chartering other vessels to complete the planned monthly monitoring. Expedition in March performed despite problems The expedition is currently underway with personnel from SMHI’s Oceanographic Last updated:

Algae report number 6, 2012

numbers at some stations. To follow the surface accumulations of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea by satellite interpretations http //www.smhi.se/en/Weather/Sweden-weather/the-algae-situation-1.11631 Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V DANA week 40-42, 2012

The survey was completed in co-operation with SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and within the international acoustic survey in the Bothnian Sea and Baltic Proper (BIAS) during weeks 40-42. The oxygen situation in the Baltic Proper is severe. Low oxygen concentrations (<2 ml/l) were Last updated: