An operational air pollution model.


Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 57
Author: Omstedt, G
Published: 1989
Last updated:

Luftföroreningsepisoden över södra Sverige 2-4 februari 1987.


Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 56
Author: Persson, C., Robertson, L. (SMHI), Grennfelt, P., Kindbom, K., Lövblad, G., Svanberg, P.-A. (IVL)
Published: 1987
Last updated:

Snödjupsförhållanden i Sverige - Säsongerna 1950/51-1979/80.


Type: Report
Author: Eriksson, B.
Published: 1989
Last updated:

Människors exponering för luftföroreningar.


Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 60
Author: Omstedt, G., Szegö, J.
Published: 1990
Last updated:

Meso-g scale objective analysis of near surface temperature, humidity and wind, and its application in air pollution modelling.


Within the PROMIS project at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute a meso-scale network of automatic weather observing stations was established for several purposes . For several of these applications it was considered advantageous to process the data by applying an objective …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 61
Author: Mueller, Lars, Robertson, Lennart, Andersson, Erik, Gustafsson, Nils
Published: Sep, 1990
Last updated:

An energy balance model for prediction of surface temperatures.


From the winter season 1988/89 and onwards an energy balance model has been used to estimate surface temperatures within a weather seivice system for the road authorities in "Östergötlands" and "Göteborg-Bohuslän" in Sweden. It is based on a simplified form of the energy balance equation at the …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 63
Author: Alexandersson, Hans., Gollvik, Stefan, Meuller, Lars
Published: Sep, 1991
Last updated:

A field test of thermometer screens.


For a period of nearly one year temperature readings from small sensors (high quality platinum resistance thermometers) in conventional screens (Stevensson type) and emaller screens (Lambrecht, Young and Vaisala) have been compared to those from a sensor of the same type in a ventilated screen …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 62
Author: Andersson, T., Mattisson, I.
Published: Sep, 1991
Last updated:

Future climate in the Nordic region - survey and synthesis for the next century.


The greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, chlorfluorcarbons and nitrous  oxide are increasing due to man's activities. 0n physical grounds it is generally believed that this will influence the climate of the earth. Observational evidence, mainly global mean temperatures, indicate that the …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 64
Author: Alexandersson, Hans, Dahlström, Bengt
Published: Sep, 1992
Last updated:

Ymer-80, satellites, arctic sea ice and weather.


During the arctic expedition YMER-80 which took place in the area north of Svalbard between northeast Greenland and Frans Josephs Land satellite information was received onboard as an important aid in weather and sea ice surveillance. A satellits receiving station made it possible to receive images …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 2
Author: Thomas Thompson
Published: Sep, 1986
Last updated: