Meet SMHI researcher Andrea Popp: "It was only then I realised that research was for me"

Hydrology is the study of water, and Andrea's research focuses on water cycle processes and water quality. "I am interested in many environmental topics, but water is the most important resource we have because it is essential for all living things. That is why I chose to work in hydrology Last updated:

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate in Bugesera District

The three-year (2017-2020) Nordic Climate Fund (NCF) supported project supported green growth for sustainable livelihoods in eight sectors of the Bugesera district of Rwanda, through fruit trees and tree cover, using green irrigation and low carbon technologies, and inspiring smallholder farmers to …

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SMHI convened conference debate for young researchers

paths, who provided their insight to the topic. Themes such as favoring collaboration, developing a broad set of skills and making sense of your work through societal engagement were covered, but the main message of the debate might have been this there are many different ways to have an impact as a Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 6-7, 2024

above normal and ranged from 2–3 °C in the Baltic Sea to 3–6 °C in the Skagerrak and Kattegat. In Skagerrak, the concentration of dissolved inorganic nutrients had increased in the surface water and were normal for the month. Similarly, in Kattegat, nutrient levels were normal, but the concentration of Last updated:

Research for more accurate decisions and better information

SMHI's research involves the development of tools and knowledge for many industries and areas of society. Mathematical calculation models are important tools which provide an integrated description of the processes on the ground, in the water and in the atmosphere. The research is an important part Last updated:

Algae report number 3, 2024

samtliga stationer inför blomning. Cellantal och biodiversiteten var låg i Östersjön, förutom vid BY2 Arkona, där måttliga mängder av kiselalgen Skeletonema marinoi observerades. De integrerade klorofyllhalterna (0–10 m och 0–20 m) var inom det normala för månaden vid alla stationer. Abstract The diatom Last updated:

Who we are

-making. Examples include general forecasts and weather warnings, industry-specific services, simulations and analyses, statistics, climate studies and contracted research. SMHI conducts three different types of operations government-funded operations and activities funded through the EU assignments from other Last updated:

How the Swedish archive for oceanographic data works

developmental stage and sex) the number of individuals counted, the number of individuals per water volume and sometimes weight, average and median length are reported. More information is available in Swedish here  . Phytoplankton Phytoplankton/picoplankton are often sampled by collecting seawater with e.g. a Last updated:

Destination Earth – development of a digital twin of the Earth

Destination Earth creates the opportunity for digital modeling of the Earth system at a level that represents a significant breakthrough in terms of accuracy, local details, interactivity, and the speed of accessing information. By pushing the boundaries of computational science, data management Last updated:

SMHI helps to determine phytoplankton species in the seas around Sweden

could be an effective complementary method. This involves collecting plankton by filtering water samples and using species-specific sections of their DNA to determine which species are present in the samples. The actual DNA analyses will be carried out in Stockholm. The water samples are being gathered Last updated: