Analysis of climate-induced hydrochemical variations in till aquifers.


Type: Report
Report Series: RH 1
Author: Sten Bergström, Per Sandén and Marie Gardelin
Published: 1990
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Anpassning till klimatförändringar. Kartläggning av arbete med sårbarhetsanalyser, anpassningsbehov och anpassningsåtgärder i Sverige till framtida klimatförändring.


Denna rapport är resultatet av ett uppdrag från Naturvårdsverket till SMHI (NV dnr 235-5045-04H k), som genomförts under hösten 2004. Syftet är att få en överblick över vilka aktörer som för närvarande är aktiva med att analysera eventuella effekter på samhället och att kartlägga anpassningsbehov. …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 106
Author: Markku Rummukainen, Sten Bergström, Gunn Persson, Elisabet Ressner
Published: Feb, 2005
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Development on an unsteady atmospheric boundary layer model.


To serve as an aid in preparing lecal ferecasts as well as landing ferecasts at airports, a develepment ef an atmospheric boundary layer model has been started at SMHI. The model is going to use large scale wind, temperature and moisture predictions from a numerical weather prediction model as …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 2
Author: Bodin, S.
Published: Sep, 1974
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Sea surface temperatures in waters surrounding Sweden.


One of the sub-projects within the sea ice research programme carried out at SMHI deals with the thermodynamics of the sea and the ice. In these studies the sea surface temperature plays a fundamental r ole. During the latest years considerable efforts have been made in order to obtain …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 1
Author: Thompson, T., Udin, I. and Omstedt, A.
Published: Sep, 1974
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A multi-level quasi-geostrophic model for short range weather predictions.


A quite generally formulated multilevel quasi-geostrophic medel with possibilities to include second order terms in the vorticity equation is derived. The model includes friction, topography, latent heat and sensible heat. The treatment of the variable boundary conditions, smoothing and ellipticity …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 3
Author: Moen, L.
Published: Sep, 1975
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On transport of sulphur over the North Atlantic.


The sulphur content in the precipitation collected on ocean weather ships in the North Atlantic has been analysed. From these data and from results of rajectory computations it is concluded that considerable amounts of anthropogenic sulphur are transported from North America towards Europe. The dry …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 6
Author: Nyberg, A.
Published: Sep, 1976
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Cloud classifications with the SCANDIA model.


The cloud classification model SCANDIA (SMHI Cloud ANalysis model using DIgital AVHRR data) is described in this report. SCANDIA is based on multispectral processing of NOAA AVHRR imagery where cloud and surface analyses are produced in real-time for use in operational weather forecasting. Also …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 67
Author: Karlsson, Karl-Göran
Published: Sep, 1996
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Satellite-estimated cloudiness from NOAA AVHRR data in the Nordic are during 1993.


A method to estimate monthly cloud conditions (total fractional cloud cover) from multispectral satellite data is described. The operational cloud classification scheme SCANDIA (the SMHI Cloud ANalysis model using DIgital AVHRR data), based on high resolution imagery from …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 66
Author: Karlsson, Karl-Göran
Published: Sep, 1994
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Air pollution Assessment Study Using the MATCH Modelling System. Application to sulfur and nitrogen compounds over Sweden 1994.


The MATCH (Mesoscale Atmospheric Transport and CHemistry) model has been developed as a tool for air pollution assessment studies on different geographical scales. The MATCH system is based on an Eulerian atmospheric transport model, including physical and chemical processes governing sources, …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 69
Author: Langner, Joakim, Persson, Christer, Robertsson, Lennart, Ullerstig, Anders
Published: Sep, 1996
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Model calculations of dispersion of lindane over Europe. Pilot study with comparisons to easurements around the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat.


A pilot project is presented, where the dispersion model MATCH is tested for studies of dispersion and deposition of lindane (y-HCH) over Europe. Comparisons between rough model calculations and long-term measurements at stations around the Baltic Sea indicate a positive correlation both for …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 68
Author: Persson, Christer and Ullerstig, Anders
Published: Sep, 1996
Last updated: