Sulphur simulations for East Asia using the MATCH model with meteorological data from ECMWF


As part of a model intercomparison exercise, with participants from a number of Asian, European and American institutes, sulphur transport and conversion calculations were conducted over an East Asian domain for 2 different months in 1993. All participants used the same emission inventory and …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 88
Author: Engardt, Magnuz
Published: Sep, 2000
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BALTEX Radar Data Centre Products and their Methodologies


The Baltic Sea Experiment (BALTEX) is the European regional project within the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX). The BALTEX Working Group on Radar (WGR) is responsible for coordinating weather radar activities within the framework of BALTEX, including the establishment and operation …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 90
Author: Michelson, D.B., Andersson, T., Koistinen, J., Collier, C.G., Riedl, J., Szturc, J., Gjertsen, U., Nielsen, A. and Overgaard
Published: Sep, 2009
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Measurements of total ozone 1997 - 1999.


A summary of the quality control, quality assurance and measurements of total ozone at Norrköping and Vindeln during the period 1997-1999 is made. The Brewer #006 and Brewer #128 were compared to the travelling reference Brewer #017 at Vindeln in 1999. Major changes in the measurements and …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 91
Author: Weine Josefsson
Published: Sep, 2000
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Boundary clear air echos in southern Sweden


The C band weather radars of today are sensitive enough to record clear air echos from the boundary layer during the warmer seasons even in latitudes as high as Scandinavia. Such clear air echos have long been recognised in the US and a.o. used to retrieve the wind. Curiously enough, in Europe …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 92
Author: Andersson, T
Published: Sep, 2000
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Using the Sun to check some weather radar parameters


Precipitation rnonitoring is a rnain task for weather radar applications. In quantitative applications, as estirnation of the rain rate, the fundamental quantity is the rneasurernent of the intensity of the retum signal strength, giving the so called reflectivity factor, or reflectivity, which is …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 93
Author: Andersson, T
Published: 2000
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SWECLIM - The First Three Years


The Swedish Regional Clirnate Modeling Program (SWECLIM) is a 6-year national research effort with the airn of providing the Swedish society with more detailed regional climate scenarios than typically available from international global clirnate rnodel simulations. The background is the perceived …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 94
Author: Rummukainen, M., Bergström, S., Källén, E., Moen, L., Rodhe, J and Tjernström, M
Published: 2000
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The first Rossby Centre regional climate scenario for the Baltic Sea using a 3D coupled ice-ocean model


Temperature, salinity, sea ice and sea leve! in the Baltic Sea have been analyzed under different climate conditions using a 3D coupled ice-ocean mode!. As a reference, hindcast simulations for the period 1980-93 have been performed with observed three-hourly meteorological forcing fields and …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 95
Author: Meier, H.E.M
Published: Sep, 2001
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A system for modelling solar radiation parameters with mesoscale spatial resolution.


Today, modern analysis systems synthesise meteorological data from a number of sources, e.g.\ round based SYNOP, satellites, radar, etc., into field information which enable us to model radiation at the Earth’s surface on the mesoscale. At the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 96
Author: Landelius, T., Josefsson, W. and Persson, T
Published: 2001
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A NOAA AVHRR cloud climatology over Scandinavia covering the period 1991-2000.


A ten-year NOAA A VHRR cloud climatology with a horizontal resolution of four km has been compiled over the Scandinavian region based on results from near real-lime cloud classifications of the SMHl SCANDlA mode!. The frequency and geographic distribution ofthe cloud groups Low-, Medium- and …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 97
Author: Karlsson, K-G
Published: Sep, 2001
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The land surface treatment for the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model - version 2 (RCA2)


A new version of the land surface scheme has been completed and is now applied in comparative tests of version 2 of the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RCA2) using analysed fields from the ECMWF reanalysis project (ERA). The scheme contains two soil layers and a vegetation layer. …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 98
Author: Bringfelt, B., Räisänen, J., Gollvik, S., Lindström, G., Graham, P. and Ullerstig, A
Published: Sep, 2001
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