Climate indices for vulnerability assessments


The demand is growing for practical information on climate projections and the impacts expected in different geographical regions and different sectors. It is a challenge to transform the vast amount of data produced in climate models into relevant information for climate change impact studies. …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 111
Author: Gunn Persson, Lars Bärring, Erik Kjellström, Gustav Strandberg, Markku Rummukainen
Published: Sep, 2007
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2D meso-scale re-analysis of precipitation, temperature and wind over Europe - ERAMESAN


The need for long time series of gridded meteorological data with a fine spatial and temporal resolution has increased in recent years. The requirements for this type of gridded meteorological data fields arise from many different areas of the society, in connection to atmospheric environment …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 112
Author: Anna Jansson, Christer Persson, Gustav Strandberg
Published: Dec, 2007
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Temperature and precipitation changes in Sweden; a wide range of model-based projections for the 21st century.


In this report we analyze the climate change signal for Sweden in scenarios for the 21st century in a large number of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs), used in the fourth assessment report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We focus on near-surface …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 113
Author: Petter Lind, Erik Kjellström
Published: Dec, 2008
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Swedish National Report on Eutrophication Status in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak OSPAR ASSESSMENT 2007


The surface area of the Kattegat and the Skagerrak, located in the eastern North Sea, is about 22 000 km2 and 32 000 km2, and the mean depth is about 23 m and 210 m, respectively. The Skagerrak and the Kattegat forms the inner end of the Norwegian trench, which has the characteristics of a deep …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 36
Author: Bertil Håkansson
Published: 2003
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The Chattonella-bloom in year 2001 and effects of high freshwater input from river Göta Älv to the Kattegat-Skagerrak area


In autumn year 2000 and winter-spring 2001 the precipitation in the catchment area of Lake Vänern was higher than normal. During spring 2001, the flow in river Göta älv was around 1200 m3/s, nearly three times higher than the average indicating extreme conditions. The flow in the smaller rivers …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 32
Author: Bengt Karlson, Lars Andersson
Published: Dec, 2003
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Hydrographic Conditions Around Offshore Banks


This report details the results of an investigation into hydrographic and hydrochemical conditions over ten offshore banks around the coast of south Sweden. Four of these banks are situated in the Kattegat. The remainder lie in the southern and western Baltic Proper. The investigation included …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 33
Author: Philip Axe, Helma Lindow
Published: 2005
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Temporal and spatial distribution of diarrhetic shellfish toxins in blue mussels, Mytilus edulis (L.), on the Swedish west coast, NE Atlantic, 1988-2005


The main goal of this report is to compile and present available data on algal toxins in blue mussels from the west coast of Sweden. The hazards associated with the consumption of mussels are mostly dependent on the occurrence and composition of toxic algae in the areas where shellfish are grown. …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Karlson, Ann-Sofi Rehnstam-Holm, Lars-Ove Loo
Published: 2007
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Long term trends in the seas surrounding Sweden. Part one - Nutrients.


The main aim of this work is to present data as typical concentration values for different nutrients in the various sea areas, and how these have varied over time. The data presented cover a 30 year period which include both increased eutrophication and years with efforts to reduce antropological …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 34
Author: Pia M. Andersson, Lars S. Andersson
Published: 2006
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Swedish National Report on Eutrophication Status in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak OSPAR ASSESSMENT 2007


The surface area of the Kattegat and the Skagerrak, located in the eastern North Sea, is about 22 000 km2 and 32 000 km2, and the mean depth is about 23 m and 210 m, respectively. The Skagerrak and the Kattegat forms the inner end of the Norwegian trench, which has the characteristics of a deep …

Type: Report
Author: Bertil Håkansson
Published: 2007
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An introduction to HIROMB, an operational baroclinic model for the Baltic Sea


A3-dimensional baroclinic model of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, designed for a daily operational use is described in detail. The model is based on a similar model running in operational mode at the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg, Germany. The operational …

Type: Report
Report Series: RO 37
Author: Lennart Funquist, Eckhard Kleine
Published: May 05, 2007
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