About SMHI

SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an expert authority with a global outlook and a vital mission to forecast changes in weather, water and climate. With a scientific foundation, we use knowledge, research and services to contribute to a more sustainable society. Every Last updated:

SMHIs forecast valuable input when building new tunnel under the Göta Älv River.

on improving the connections under the Göta Älv River. To increase safety during the preparation and implementation of the towing of the huge and heavy tunnel element, Züblin was aided by detailed forecasts on weather and water levels in the area, provided by SMHI professional services. SMHI has also Last updated:

In Memory of Nils Gustafsson

appreciated colleague. He had a unique ability to see the individual, showing genuine interest in everyone's experiences and always eager to learn new things. His honest and straightforward style led to many stimulating discussions and successful collaborations. He believed in the power of collaboration and Last updated:


models. It can be coupled with the meteorological model RCA (Rossby Centre Atmosphere model) and is then called RCAO. The purpose is to catch the interaction between sea, sea ice and atmosphere. Heat and moisture from the sea influences the air circulation which in turn affects the conditions in the sea Last updated:

Regional spreading of pollutants from fibre banks in the Bothnian Sea

fibres (fibre banks) on the bottoms of lakes and the sea close to the old factories. Before 1969, bi-products and used chemicals were discharged outside the factories, usually in the closest watercourse. The discharged pulp and chemicals were transported with the stream and accumulated in calm waters Last updated:

Algae report number 6, 2024

cyanobacteria were numerous. The integrated (0–10 m) chlorophyll concentration was above normal for this month, whereas the 0-20 integration was normal. BY5 Bornholm deep 5th of June There were moderate amounts of the filamentous cyanobacterium A. flosaquae, the potentially toxic flagellate order prymnesiales Last updated:

SMHI recruits Professor of Oceanography

model development conducted at SMHI's oceanographic research unit today,” says Helén Andersson. These include understanding large-scale ocean processes, climate change and other human-induced impacts on the ocean. But also, operational oceanography where observations are used to improve forecasts of Last updated:

SMHI Summary annual report 2008

Annual reports
Environmental Protection Agency and the Geological Survey of Sweden. Water management needs increasingly detailed informa- tion on water quality and water f lows for individual lakes and watercourses, known as water occurrences. To meet these needs the model calculations are being further devel- oped to Last updated:

Algae report number 5, 2024

marinoi dominated the cell counts. There were a few genera of dinoflagellates in low numbers. Among the smaller cells, Dinobryon spp. and different cryptomonadales were the most common. The filamentous cyanobacterium A. flosaquae. was present in low amounts. The integrated (0–10 m and 0–20 m) chlorophyll Last updated:

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in a Changing Climate in Bugesera District

The three-year (2017-2020) Nordic Climate Fund (NCF) supported project supported green growth for sustainable livelihoods in eight sectors of the Bugesera district of Rwanda, through fruit trees and tree cover, using green irrigation and low carbon technologies, and inspiring smallholder farmers to …

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