
SMHI provides meteorological services specifically designed for aviation. Forecasters in Stockholm issue forecasts and warnings covering all of Sweden’s airspace around the clock, 365 days per year. They continuously evaluate the present and future weather situation, with the help of observations …

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Meteorological research

The Meteorology research unit carries out research and development in weather forecasting, climate analysis, atmospheric processes and air quality. We work with observational data, meteorological analysis and model development for regional weather forecasting in the Nordic region, as well as with …

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Climate research at the Rossby Centre

The Rossby Centre pursues research on climate processes and the behaviour of the climate system. Our main tools are the global and regional climate models developed within the research unit. Work is conducted both on model development and evaluation of data, as well as modelling applications …

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Hydrology Research

We provide new information, forecasts and knowledge of water resources in Sweden and world-wide, covering different spatial and temporal scales and a broad range of users. The information is used in decision support for a safe and sustainable society, water management, environmental protection, and …

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Oceanographic research

Research is mainly conducted on short-term forecasts and impacts of climate change on the sea and the marine ecosystem. The unit thrives to develop state-of-the-art operational ocean and climate models to provide support to climate services and decision makers for ocean management and …

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Training Programme on Air Quality for decision-makers from India


Decision-makers from various organisations and companies in India are now attending the tailored international training programme "Air Pollution Management - India". The four-week training period focuses on air quality, the effects of air pollution and how urban air can be improved.

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World Climate Conference 3 brings together top politicians, decision-makers and climate experts


In August, the UN body WMO organises a world conference on climate services in Geneva, Switzerland. The conference will bring together national and international bodies, such high-level participants as Heads of States and Ministers, other decision-makers and also climate scientists. SMHI is taking …

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