Land rise and sea level

In the Bothnian Bay the land is rising by 10 mm/year, in the Bothnian Sea by 6-9 mm/year, in the Baltic Proper by -1 to 5 mm/year. Over the last 100 years the sea level has “dropped” by 100 cm in the Bay of Bothnia. Several sea inlets have become lakes and many harbours are now on land. The Last updated:

Mean annual sea level

At least 30 years of measurements are used to produce the regression line, which can then be used to estimate sea level both forwards and backwards in time. Since the mean annual sea level can be calculated, it is used as that year’s datum value from the first day of the year.   Deciding the depth Last updated:

Summer blooms in the Baltic Sea

havsvåg smal puffbild 523
parts of the Baltic Proper, for the first time also east of Gotland. Some media reports of algae drifting ashore along the Swedish east coast appeared during this week. A low pressure system swept in over the Baltic Sea the 7 August, and remained until the 11. As it withdrew, this year’s large Last updated:

Sea level oscillations

The oscillations continue back and forth many times, being slowly dissipated by friction. The resulting effect is a standing wave. The period between two high water incidents is governed by the depth of water and the breadth of the sea area. Oscillations in the Baltic from north to south have a Last updated:

Air pressure and sea level

Sea level varies from day to day and week to week, depending on the weather situation. Air pressure has a direct influence on the sea level. High air pressure exerts a force on the surroundings and results in water movement. So high air pressure over a sea area corresponds to low sea level and Last updated:

Over-fertilisation of the sea

, nitrite or ammonium. One very clear indication of increased levels of nutrients in the sea is the increase in hair-like fast-growing green and red algae. Common seaweed becomes overgrown by the algae hairs and disappears. Eelgrass meadows, which are important nursery habitats for fish, are also badly Last updated:

Rubbish dumps in the sea

The main source is plastic in different sizes and shapes, which makes its way out to sea and collects just under the surface. Most of it has broken down into very small particles, often barely visible to the human eye. This makes it difficult to collect and it is not visible on satellite pictures Last updated:

Algal blooms in the Baltic Sea

pictures as yellow-green twisting areas on the sea surface. The white areas in the pictures are clouds and the light blue areas are high clouds which in some cases make the pictures difficult to interpret. Dark blue areas are algae-free water. The pictures have a resolution of 500 m.   The dominant species Last updated:

Wind power at sea

Baltic Sea are areas where the physical conditions in the sea are important for the inflow of cold water rich in oxygen that ventilate the sea-bed of the Baltic Sea. We have on several occasions assessed the potential impact of wind power plant parks on the vertical mixing in the sea , and whether it Last updated:

Sea surface temperature

North Sea. The Skagerrak has a significant salty layer that starts at a depth of 10-20 metres, where the salinity is 35 psu and the temperature is 6 degrees. The salinity of the surface water is 25-30 psu and the temperature varies seasonally between 6 and 20 degrees. The temperature layer often reaches Last updated: