Cruise report from R/V Svea week 24, 2023

hydrogen sulphide appears as a negative oxygen level. At the northern stations high levels of chlorophyll fluorescence was seen, and at BY32 a distinctive peak could be observed at 20 meters. The oxygen levels in the surface waters were above 8,5 ml/l, which indicates a high activity of plankton. At the Last updated:

Real-time modelling and forecasting of temperatures in the Baltic Sea.

that reasonably good results were achieved except del for water cooling in the Gulf of Bothnia and Lake Vänern Norrköping 1984 Gidhagen, L Coaatal upwelling in the Baltic - a pre Last updated:

Better regional climate information in Africa

Climatological Forecasting of Central Africa (CAPC-AC) was the local partner in Douala. SMHI has previously had International Training Programs (ITP) in Cameroon and has participated in other research collaborations. It was a very successful workshop with many group discussions, engaging conversations and Last updated:

Research projects

strategies into the planning and implementation of large-scale urban infrastructure projects to increase their resilience to CC. A user-centered design process will be implemented, where end-users, purveyors, and providers of climate intelligence will be involved in co-creating the system by maximizing re Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2023

cyanobacteria A. flosaquae was abundant together with filaments of Pseudanabaena sp. and colonies of Snowella sp. Among groups of relatively small plankton there was a great variety resulting in high diversity over all for this station. The integrated (0-20 m and 0-10 m) chlorophyll concentrations were within Last updated:

Marine environmental monitoring at SMHI

Kattegat and Skagerrak seas are a part of the North Sea but are in turn affected by the outflow of Baltic Sea water. The Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak and Kattegat seas are therefore an intricately integrated water system. The environmental goals for ocean and coast require that data and basis of decision Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 45, 2022

in the Western Gotland Basin. Higher levels than normal were observed in the Gotland Basins below 100 metres. The oxygen condition in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat was good, the oxygen levels had increased in the Kattegat bottom water since October. In the Arkona Basin lower oxygen concentrations Last updated:

Description of gender equality work at SMHI

on long-term strategic work, and is formally drawn up each year as part of overall operational planning. SMHI has worked for many years to gradually integrate diversity and inclusion work into its overall operations, with good results. The gender equality aspect is included in the management Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Hjälmaren Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. The water level in Lake Hjälmaren is only expected to change by a small amount in the future climate. The most obvious change is that low water levels will Last updated: