Strengthening Zambian Mining Governance in The Nexus of Environment, Human Rights, and Climate (ZAMNEX)

The long-term goal of the programme is social, environmental, equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth in Zambia. The medium-term perspective is to target the mining industry in Zambia in order to improve the well-being of poor, marginalized and disadvantaged people directly engaged in and Last updated:

The Chattonella-bloom in year 2001 and effects of high freshwater input from river Göta Älv to the Kattegat-Skagerrak area

entering the Bohus coast is minor compared to river Göta Älv. To investigate possible effects on the marine environment in the area close to the river mouth an investigation with weekly sampling at four locations was initated by SMHI. Physical and chemical variables in the water was measured as well as Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Hjälmaren Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. The water level in Lake Hjälmaren is only expected to change by a small amount in the future climate. The most obvious change is that low water levels will Last updated:

Richard Alpfjord Wylde

More information to come Last updated:

Tobias Lagander

More information to come Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 34-35, 2023

/l were found in the bottom water. Below this oxygen level, the first signs of oxygen deficiency in marine organisms are normally detected. In the south-eastern parts, levels were lower, close to the limit for acute hypoxia of < 2 ml/l. In acute oxygen deficiency, most benthic animals are negatively Last updated:

The Contribution of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) Towards Farmers’ Livelihoods in Burkina Faso

Involving administrative and customary authorities in outreach activities is recommended, as they can contribute financially and internalise practice when implementing their investment plans. Sharing the results broadly helps build interest in the practice among other stakeholders as well as policymakers. Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Vättern Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

Less frequent high water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. With a warmer climate the evaporation is expected to increase, both from vegetation in the lake’s catchment area as well as directly Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 37-38, 2023

concentration of nutrients increases, at a depth of around 30 meters, concentrations slightly higher than the average for the season were measured at the Å stations. Abnormally high levels of ammonium were measured in the surface water of Å15, these values are under further review when this report is written Last updated:

Abhishek Lodh

assimilation of INSAT-3D Land Surface Temperature for the global Land Data Assimilation System for the NCUM model at NCMRWF, India.  Implementation of super-parametrized cloud microphysics scheme in the CESM model Development of climate vulnerability index over India with aassessment of exposure, sensitivity Last updated: