Take the chance to host a workshop, training, brainstorming, round-table discussion at the next CORDEX conference, 25-29 September 2023


Do you want to discuss with stakeholders, provide a hands-on training on downscaling tools, start developing a plan for a possible future Flagship Pilot Study proposal or perhaps have a panel or round-table discussion/workshop on the most pressing climate change issues in your region? At the next …

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Method and models in meteorological research


A core of meteorological research and development is numerical computational systems. We work on research and development to continuously improve these systems and we use them in our research projects.

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Software methods for meteorological applications


The research area focuses on the adaptation of existing and the development of new software methods that enable the efficient handling of the increasing amount of data in meteorological applications.

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Climate monitoring and research using remote sensing


The research area focuses on remote sensing, above all satellite data, to study processes in the atmosphere and to evaluate and improve models to create a better understanding of climate and climate change.

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Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution models


The research area includes development and improvement of SMHI's model system MATCH regarding atmospheric physical and chemical processes, with the aim of using the same model system on different scales – hemisphere, regional and urban background – as well as with chemistry and aerosol descriptions …

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Algae report number 9, 2022


The phytoplankton diversity was high at all stations along the Swedish west coast. Diatoms dominated in cell numbers and Pseudosolenia calcar-avis was common. In Skagerrak the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta* was common. The coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi was found in high cell …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen, Maria Karlberg
Published: Oct, 2022
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Atmospheric and surface processes


Surface and near-surface aspects of the weather forecasts are often given great attention since they affect many people in a very direct way. The research area will continue the development of processes, data assimilation and methods to improve the NWP system and, in the long run, the weather …

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Nowcasting and remote sensing


The focus of this research and development area is to get the most out of the current and soon operationally available new satellite and radar data for the improvement of Nowcasting and Early Warning at SMHI.

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Sofia Saraiva

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General description of SAML2 WebSSO

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