TipESM assembles the latest Earth System Models (ESMs), including recent improvements to key processes  ice sheets, vegetation and land use, permafrost, marine and terrestrial biogeochemistry. In cooperation with the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)/, TipESM will organise an international collaboration Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 6-7, 2023

and varied little with depth. At station Å13 there was a halocline around 10 m below which the levels of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and silicon increased, also a small increase in phosphate was noted. At the coastal station Släggö there was a halocline around 30 m and there the salinity and the Last updated:

Swapan Mallick

study. Research interests High-resolution severe weather and impact-based weather prediction. Data assimilation (EnKF, 3D/ 4D-VAR, Hybrid method) Satellite and conventional data. Observation Pre-processing and Assimilation of Satellite, Radar, and surface observation. Satellite all-sky infrared and Last updated:

Algae report number 7, 2023

decreases there is potential for surface accumulations in almost all parts of the Baltic Proper. The cruise initiated in Kalmar and samples from the western part contained many filaments but most likely they were dispersed into the water due to the wind. The amount of filaments increased going northward Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Hjälmaren Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. The water level in Lake Hjälmaren is only expected to change by a small amount in the future climate. The most obvious change is that low water levels will Last updated:

Community Sensitization about multi-use tree Moringa Oleifera Lam in Sussundenga Village, Mozambique

were informed how planting and using the tree Moringa oleifera Lam can contribute to climate change adaptation in the communities. The presentation was made to the community in 9 neighbourhoods in Sussundenga village, 100 of these 68 (53 men and 15 women) were invited to attend. Also participating were Last updated:

The Chattonella-bloom in year 2001 and effects of high freshwater input from river Göta Älv to the Kattegat-Skagerrak area

entering the Bohus coast is minor compared to river Göta Älv. To investigate possible effects on the marine environment in the area close to the river mouth an investigation with weekly sampling at four locations was initated by SMHI. Physical and chemical variables in the water was measured as well as Last updated:

Vattennivåer, tappningar, vattentemperaturer och is i Vättern Beräkningar för dagens och framtidens klimatförhållanden

Less frequent high water levels No change in the highest water levels (the calculated maximum water level) An increase in water temperature A shorter ice cover period. With a warmer climate the evaporation is expected to increase, both from vegetation in the lake’s catchment area as well as directly Last updated:

Lindha Nilsson

E-mail  lindha.nilsson@smhi.se Telephone 011-495 84 65 Linkedin https //www.linkedin.com/in/lindha-nilsson-69bba3172/ Fields of work Administration and coordination at the International Project Office of CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) hosted by SMHI and operated under Last updated: