International development cooperation

SMHI contributes to  through international development cooperation. The overall aim is that all countries shall have an equal capacity to handle and plan for the effects of weather, water and climate. 

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First national climate symposium in the bag


For three days, scientists and stakeholders from all over Sweden talked about ongoing climate research, what is happening to the climate and the role of climate research for society. The symposium attracted media attention and was appreciated by the participants.

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Climate impact on wind power production


How does a warmer climate affect the future wind resource and thereby changes the wind power production? This information is important for the wind power industry and for any decisions made with respect to the future electrical energy system.

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 16, 2022


During the cruise, which is part of the Swedish pelagic monitoring program, the Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Proper were visited.

The warming of the surface water had started in all the visited sea areas, but for natural reasons the temperature increase is somewhat slower in the …

Type: Report
Author: Martin Hansson
Published: May, 2022
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Algae report number 4, 2022


In the Skagerrak, both cell abundance and diversity were low at Å17, the diversity was however higher at Släggö. At Släggö the toxin producing dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica* was present in quite high cell numbers. In Kattegat, at the first sampling occasion at Anholt E the water was …

Type: Report
Author: Maria Karlberg
Published: May, 2022
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Climate models that “see” storms: a step-change towards more usable information on climate and climate extremes


Sweden has experienced a range of extreme events that are likely to be stronger and more frequent in a warmer climate. With the new genrerations high-resolution climate models we are closer towards more usable information on climate and climate extremes.

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Early human impact on the climate in Europe


Long before the industrial revolution humans have cut down forest to make room for arable land and pasture, or to improve the possibilities for hunting. Such changes in the vegetation impact the local climate, and therefore there are reasons to believe that human activities have impacted the …

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National symposium in Norrköping focuses on climate research


What is happening to the climate and what role does climate research play in society? Together with the strategic research areas MERGE and BECC, as well as the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, SMHI is arranging a climate symposium in Norrköping on 16-18 May 2022, the Swedish Climate Symposium.

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National symposium in Norrköping focuses on climate research

What is happening to the climate and what role does climate research play in society? Together with the strategic research areas MERGE and BECC, as well as the Bolin Centre for Climate Research, SMHI is arranging a climate symposium in Norrköping on 16-18 May 2022, the Swedish Climate Symposium.

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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 11-12, 2022


During the cruise, which is part of the Swedish national marine monitoring programme, the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Proper were visited.

The water in the Skagerrak was well mixed with weak stratification at the outer stations, low salinities in the surface with an …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck
Published: Apr, 2022
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