Climate in Sweden 1860-2014

particular in northern Sweden. The 1970s were dry, but precipitation has increased since then, in particular during the summers. Annual precipitation now usually reaches over 600 mm. The increase in precipitation is most noticeable in the south western parts of the country. The year 2000 reached an extreme Last updated:

Contact us

The SMHI international development cooperation team comprises of seasoned experts from various departments and is coordinated by Jafet Andersson. Last updated:

AeroFrame and AeroSources: Advancing predictions of atmospheric aerosol formation

for simplified treatment of common formation mechanisms through e.g. sulfuric acid and ammonia. Pathways involving lower-level trace gases such as amine species, however, are likely to involve more uncertainties when treated in a very simplified manner. About the projects The projects are active 2020 Last updated:

Hugo Rudebeck

Role in team Junior researcher and developer Expertise Hydrological extremes hydrological and hydraulic modelling Irrigation Water resource management Stormwater management Last updated:

About the Scenario Service - Oceanography

performed in connection with previous research projects. For the indicator’s oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen, data from the RCO-SCOBI model was used (Saraiva 2019a, b). In order to be able to see possible interaction with the indicator’s temperature and salinity, data for these Last updated:

A NOAA AVHRR cloud climatology over Scandinavia covering the period 1991-2000.

northern part of the area as seen for water clouds is seen also here. However. notice that a pronounced land-sea differencc is scen in winter with highcr frequencics over land. Even individual lakes appcar to affect results in a similar way (e.g .. Lake Vättern in southcrn Swcden). In spring, frequencies Last updated:


in order to avoid false information. A short sea ice study with computer processed LANDSAT data has also been carried out. The soft ware used was developed at the Swedish Defense Research Board. - ii - INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING 1. INLEDNING 2. SATELLITDATA - VHRR 3. DATABEARBETNING OCH PRESENTA'l' .!.ON Last updated:

Algae report number 3, 2023

the Kattegat, the integrated concentrations (0-10 and 0-20 m) were below normal. Diversity and cell abundance of phytoplankton were low at most stations in the Baltic Sea, with the exception of the two southern stations, where the spring bloom was ready to start; BY2 and BY5. Otherwise, there were Last updated:

New publication shows latest scientific knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea

issue is well integrated into this and future work,“ said Jonas Pålsson, Senior Analyst at the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Jonas Pålsson has been editor for the section on indirect parameters, impact on ecosystems and human activities. Climate change will continue to give impact Last updated:

The first Rossby Centre regional climate scenario for the Baltic Sea using a 3D coupled ice-ocean model

, a large-scale hydrological mode! has been applied. As the time slices are too short to spin up initial stratification for future climate, salinity is treated as uncertainty. An extreme condition is obtained, integrating the Baltic Sea model for 100 years assuming that no salt water inflow occurs in Last updated: