The Swedish regional climate modeling program 1996-2003. Final report.

way to provide insight into the processes behind changes. For example, comparing the last 30 years (1971-2000) and the first 30 years (1761-1790) of Stockholm daily temperature data, the most interesting change is the increase in the weight of the surnmer mode. This means that the surnmer season has Last updated:


situation where this deep water could easily be renewed if there would be an inflow of sufficient volume . During the first six months no hydrogen sulphide was present in the Bornholm Basin or the Western Gotland Basin . During September and November, however, hydro- gen sulphide was detected in these areas Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Svea week 10-11, 2023

in the southern parts of the Baltic Proper. In the deep water of the Baltic Proper, nutrient and hydrogen sulphide levels remained very high. In the deep basins around Gotland, there was no oxygen from 70-80 m. In the Eastern Gotland Basin, hydrogen sulphide levels increased rapidly to record levels Last updated:

Swapan Mallick

study. Research interests High-resolution severe weather and impact-based weather prediction. Data assimilation (EnKF, 3D/ 4D-VAR, Hybrid method) Satellite and conventional data. Observation Pre-processing and Assimilation of Satellite, Radar, and surface observation. Satellite all-sky infrared and Last updated:

Observations and data – air, lakes, waterways and seas

data are performed at SMHI and stored in different databases used for forecasts, warnings and research, among other things. An important task is to inform and warn in the event of high flows and water levels. Observations of oceanographic parameters SMHI conducts real-time observations of oceanographic Last updated:

Lindha Nilsson

E-mail Telephone 011-495 84 65 Linkedin https // Fields of work Administration and coordination at the International Project Office of CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) hosted by SMHI and operated under Last updated:

Joakim Löw

Scientific programmer E-mail Fields of work 'Grunt worker' for development of code in projects. Development of climate indices. Special competences Education within computational science with special expertise in software development and computer graphics. Last updated:

Impacts of agricultural activities on land degradation along the Bomboré river in Burkina Faso

Background The Nakanbé-Bomboré sub-river basin, in which the Bomboré River is situated, has experienced an intense withdrawal of surface water to intensify agricultural production for several decades. Agricultural practices following the development of irrigated land have led to a change in the Last updated:

Impact of Climate Change on the Dynamics of Wetlands: The Case of Nakanbé-Mané in Burkina Faso

in combating the effects of climate change. However, there is a continuous degradation of these ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide. This is the combined result of climatic and anthropogenic factors. Burkina Faso, and in particular the Nakanbé-Mané wetland, is one of the regions that Last updated:

New publication shows latest scientific knowledge on climate change in the Baltic Sea

issue is well integrated into this and future work,“ said Jonas Pålsson, Senior Analyst at the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Jonas Pålsson has been editor for the section on indirect parameters, impact on ecosystems and human activities. Climate change will continue to give impact Last updated: